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King in the North or King in the Office

In the fictional realm of Game of Thrones, we can learn a lot about being a leader. George RR Martin opened millions up to a magical society that leaves us craving more. Embedded in his daring story are many life lessons that can be applied to our management styles in order to make the office our kingdom. Through my recent binge of the series in preparation for Season 8, I have taken note of 4 lessons that I found important in today’s world. (Warning: Spoilers Ahead)

Lesson 1: Connections are EVERYTHING


Throughout the series, we meet many of the important families of Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos. As we near Season 8, the race for the Iron Throne is more important than ever before. In past seasons, we see many examples of how alliances positively affect the individual kingdoms and regions. From alliances through marriage, to connection for trade purposes, connections and alliances keep the world running smoothly. Now, as tensions are rising and Daenerys Targaryen is closing in on Kings Landing to take back the throne, we see how her alliances measure up against those of the Lannister house. An interesting concept that we also see through this race is how available resources is a reflection of how leaders treat their subordinates. In the case of Daenerys, she rules through kindness and fairness and her people respect her as a fair leader and are fighting for a better world. On the other hand, the Lannister family have ruled through fear and violence and now their grip on the kingdom is slowly crumbling. In an office setting, maintaining positive connections like Daenerys and treating coworkers fairly will lead to success. Having a good and supportive attitude will help you further your career and foster lifelong relationships as Jon Snow has done in Season 7 while gathering his diverse army against the White Walkers.

Lesson 2: Identify risks and be prepared for anything

In the magical world of Game of Thrones, we see many prophecies come into play that greatly affect how characters interact in the future. One flashback we see in Season 5 revolves around Cersei as a young girl asking a witch about her future. When Cersei asks her 3 questions, she gets confusing answers that have a dark undertone regarding the fate of her future children. She takes in the information cautiously but is overall content in hearing that her children will be future kings. Later in her life, had she readdressed the prophecy, she may have been able to take precautions to save or prolong the lives of her children. While the risks may not be as serious as real life and death in a business, it is still crucial to prepare for every outcome before making a big decision. It is important to anticipate both positive and negative results and have a plan as to best handle them. As a manager, you never want to be playing catch up in a situation. We saw this mistake with Stannis Baratheon when he tried to take Blackwater Bay and had no backup plan for Tyrian and Tywin Lannister’s plans and suffered a large defeat.

Lesson 3: Progress cannot be made when a company is in turmoil.

Throughout the different lands we see many changes in rulers that more often than not led to a worsened state of the kingdom. For example, when Daenerys arrives in Astapor, one of the three major cities in Slaver’s Bay, she meets with the Good Masters to discuss the Unsullied soldiers. After much debate she agrees to trade Drogon, her dragon, for the army. Once the Unsullied are in her power, she orders them to kill the Good Masters and take the city. After they have been defeated, she frees the Unsullied and asks them if they would fight for her as free men, they unanimously agree. When they arrive in Meereen, Daenerys gives a speech denouncing slavery which upsets the Great Masters. To fight back against Daenerys’ new rules an opposing organization, The Sons of the Harpy, form and they wreak havoc on the city and Daenerys’ army. This whole situation leaves the city in shambles as fighdany targaryanting commences. In the end, Daenerys and the Masters agree to phase out slavery and to not make a radical change to the culture of the area. Although this is an extreme case of turmoil, when everyone was fighting it was impossible to make a decision. Without discussion and compromise, there was no chance of helping the community in trouble. In an office, when there is a misalignment of ideas, it is important to talk it through and find a solution that appeases both sides. In this case, even though Daenerys was right morally, the decision had to help the kingdom move forward as a whole and that could only be achieved by the leaders putting their heads together to come up with a solution.

Lesson 4: Flexibility is the key to success

Flexibility is a universal trait that is necessary in all situations. An important case of flexibility in Game of Thrones comes from Jon’s idea to bring the Wildlings over to the safer side of the wall. Through making this decision, he upset many of the brothers of the Night’s Watch and was eventually killed because of his choice. While rescuing the Wildlings, the White Walkers attacked the settlement and it soon became apparent how necessary the alliance was. By putting tradition aside, Jon saved thousands of lives and strengthened the resistance jon snowat the wall against the White Walkers. In the workplace it is incredibly important to be flexible in what you do. The ability to be flexible and collaborative is highly sought after in the professional world. Moving forward into Season 8, every leader will have to put their differences aside and fight the White Walkers. Without teamwork, the 7 Kingdoms will be doomed and businesses might suffer the same fate in a global economy.

While ruling a kingdom and managing an office have different expectations; by watching the positive leadership tactics presented in Game of Thrones you too can be a good leader. There is a fine line between good and evil but looking at each leader shows you a different strength and style. In the end, it is about making your subordinates respect you for your character and not out of fear. As the wise Tywin Lannister once said to his grandson Joffrey, “Any man who must say “I am the King” is no true King”.




Vineyard Views

A view second to none and grapes that will make your mouth water. Those are the two reasons why I will spend hours upon hours cutting and trimming each branch.

In Italy my grandparents own several pieces of land that contain agriculture such as the one pictured below, which is a vineyard that oversees a beautiful valley. The vineyard is quite big, probably about half an acre of land. Usually during the Summer, since the piece of land is so big, my brother and I help my cousins pick out the good grapes and trim the grape leaves and branches so that the fruit can fully grow and receive light from the sun. Once the grapes are picked we store them in a cool area and then my uncleScreen Shot 2019-04-12 at 4.39.23 PM.png uses them to make his own wine. Fortunately he does not sell the wine because it is not very good.  In addition to trimming the leaves and the branches, we also must spray the grapes with pesticides in order to seduce and then destroy any pest. Although the job is quite difficult, having a beautiful view of the valley makes the job a lot easier. The ideal day for doing all of this would be on a cool day so that the sun is not blazing down on you. The grapes are primarily used for wine but you’d be surprised at how tasty they are. The grapes have seeds, but get past that and you’ll find an unrivaled flavor and concentration. Wine grapes have a rare combination of high sugar and high acid content. It is this combination that gives them an exceptionally intense flavor.  

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The Golden Treasure

unnamedPerhaps you have come across the generic grey and black mushrooms that are sold in your local Stop & Shop but I guarantee you that you have never come across the golden, aromatic and fleshy looking mushroom that shines like an exotic golden flower when observed from a distance. Good looking and golden in taste, the chanterelle mushroom is a delightful attraction for most culinary experts in Europe, the United States and Asia. Not only is the chanterelle mushroom golden looking and golden in taste, it is also golden priced.       

Each Summer my family and I travel to Italy to visit my father’s side of the family. The area my father’s family is from is called Trentino-Alto Adige, which is a region in Northern Italy. The region borders both Switzerland and Austria. The region also encloses part of the Dolomites, a section of the Italian Alps. My grandparents house is surrounded by tall alpine trees and peaking mountains. Knowing the area quite well, I take it upon myself each summer to go mushroom “hunting” for chanterelle’s. I say hunting because it takes many skills, such as concentration and patience. The chanterelle mushrooms are very difficult to

unnamed-1find but they are usually found in mountainous forests among grasses and low growing moss or herbs. If you are not willing to get your hands dirty, then you will be unsuccessful in your hunt because the mushrooms are usually hidden beneath the moss. Although a frustrating and sometimes messy process, the feeling of actually finding the mushrooms is all worth it in the end. Not only can you simages.jpgell them for a good price, usually $10 a pound, but they are also extremely delicious once they are cleaned and sautéed. With that being said, never again settle for your boring Stop & Shop mushrooms! Do some research and find a local market that sells chanterelle mushroomsYou will not be disappointed.

Meet Spring Intern Christian Casagranda

Christian intern photo

Major: Public Relations

Minor: Journalism

Extracurricular: Quinnipiac Men’s Soccer Team

Graduation: May, 2019


Where are you from?

Brooklyn, New York

What are you studying at Quinnipiac and why?

I am studying public relations because I want to one day own my own sports public relations firm. I want to work with professional events and professional athletes.

What extracurricular activities do you participate in on campus?

I am a member of the soccer team on campus.

Where do you find your motivation to succeed?

I think of where I am now and where I want to go. Everything I do now is in preparation to achieve my future goals. I also look at my bank account and get some little extra motivation as well!

During your free time, what are you passionate about?

I am most passionate about supporting my favorite soccer team, A.C Milan. I watch their games every weekend and when I watch their games I usually scream at the television the entire 90 minutes.

What is the most exciting place that you have traveled to?

The most exciting place I have ever traveled to is Barcelona. The food is incredible and the weather is a nice addition. It is also located right near the water giving the city a nice little breeze. The scenery is beautiful.

If you could check off an item on your bucket list tomorrow what would it be?

To work a professional sporting event and be featured and get some airtime on television.

Where is your dream place to live?

Don’t really have a dream place to live, however I would like to visit Los Angeles. It is a major city, yet has a relaxing vibe. It’s also warm and close to the beach, which is a plus.

What is your favorite thing about Quinnipiac?

The people and the scenery. I also really like my professors. They are full of knowledge and are always open to helping me when needed.

Meet Spring Intern Mckenna Cassford

View More: http://tomsheehanphotography.pass.us/mckenna_cassford_senior_pictures

Major: Human Resources
Minor: Sociology & Marketing
Extracurricular: Bryant University Student Ambassador, Office of Admission Student Coordinator
Graduation: May, 2019


Why did you choose Bryant University?

Bryant was actually the first school that I toured and I instantly fell in love. I loved the way their program is structured so that I could major in the School of Business and still have a minor in the School of Science. While I enjoy Human Resources, I also love Sociology and wanted to be able to pursue it further.

Why did you choose your major?

I chose Human Resources because I love working with people and I do similar work at my job on campus.

What is your favorite part about this internship?

My favorite part of this internship has to be sitting in on interviews and observing to refine my own skills. I look forward to coming in each day knowing that I will learn something new.

Have you had any other internships?

I have not. Through my work as Student Coordinator in the Admission Office at Bryant, I have gained a lot of insight into the on-boarding, training, and personnel management side of HR. It was my campus job that inspired me to enter the world of HR.

What motivates you?

My motivation stems from wanting to be a positive influence for my 2 younger sisters. I’ve always wanted to be a good role model for them and motivate them to be the best that they can be.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years I hope to have a steady life and to have traveled to at least some of my bucket list destinations. A dog is also a must!

What are your hobbies?

In my spare time I love hiking, reading, watching Netflix, and traveling. I’m always planning my next trip, currently I am looking into hiking trails in Acadia National Park for my trip in April!

Where is the one place you want to travel in your lifetime?

One of the first places on my bucket list is Athens, Greece. I was (am) a major nerd and have always loved everything about Ancient Greece.

What is the most exciting place you have ever been to?

The most exciting place I have ever been has to be the Chichen Itza ruins in Mexico. While I am a big beach girl, taking the day trip to the ruins was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.

What are you most passionate about?

I’m passionate about my family, my friends, the environment, music, and history. With that said, my friends and family are not as passionate about my random fun facts and music choice as I am.

Split, Aim, and Shoot to Score a Goal in Life

See, catch, cradle, run, dodge, split, roll, aim, shoot, score. The sport of women’s lacrosse. A game in which is described to be played in a process or, better yet, steps. Steps in which you as the player, along with your teammates and coaches, create this game plan in order to succeed to your greatest ability. However, there are two sides to lacrosse in my eyes that make it a true art to succeed: practice and game time. An interesting question arises in my head, “How do I differentiate these two from one another?”

Define Practice: A time when the steps can be followed. A coach tells you what to do, and you do it. There are no outside factors targeted against you. A captain tells you to run a play, you run the play, exactly how it supposed to go. Memorize the plays, go over them in your head and never forget them. Go to morning workouts to get stronger, go to the trainer to get iced, do this, do that… done.

Define Game Time: A time where the comfortability of following steps or the game plan gets questioned. You now have this outside force, (the other team), fighting against you. You always need to expect the unexpected. What if I’m face guarded? What if I’m double teamed? How does one become adjusted to stepping out of the game plan that was taught to us? Will I get a free position? Will I get benched because I messed up a play?

Look at the difference in these two definitions. In the practice definition, there are no question marks as compared to the game time definition.


My steps from start to finish:


Lacrosse: I walk onto the field to see how the competition looks. I take it in. I see how my teammates are adapting, how the coaches are acting.

Life: I see the opportunities I have for that day. I see how people in my environment are acting that day. I see what I am in store for.


Lacrosse: I see the ball coming for my stick and I catch it. I take control at the exact moment and the ball is in my stick.

Life: I catch the opportunity that is given to me and the process of executing that opportunity has now begun.


Lacrosse: I swing my stick back and forth while juggling the ball to get away from the defensive players on the other team. I cradle until I have a chance to make a move.

Life: I relate cradling to multi-tasking. I’m able to juggle a few tasks, with outside forces, while keeping the path to the end goal completely clear.

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Lacrosse: Clear the ball, get the ball on your side of the field.

Life: Take that task and go with it. Keep chugging along.


Lacrosse: fake the other player out, spin around them to get yourself closer to scoring that goal.

Life: learn how to fix a problem that comes at you head on. How are you going to stop this current obstacle? What are possible solutions?


HALT- all of a sudden when going through these steps in my head an outside force comes, and I am now double teamed. All players are on me. This isn’t what we practiced. How am I going to adapt to this situation in seconds? Will I do the right or wrong thing?

I like to compare this game to my life. How you can be completely ready for a situation? You practice, study, prepare, etc. for a certain event. But do you really know how that event is going to go when the time comes? The ability to be adaptable is one of the best lessons lacrosse has taught me to use in my everyday life.

Don’t be afraid to deviate from your original game plan. Being too scared of failure is not going to better yourself in any situation. If something isn’t going exactly as planned, pause, think and come up with the next step. Be adaptable to the situation. This way you can finish with that perfect shot to score the winning goal in life’s game plan.

“Wait, you’re scared to be… successful?”


My career coach at Bryant University looked at me with pity. It was the spring of my junior year and I was back on campus after a semester abroad. I had just let it slip that I was afraid of being successful, which at Bryant can be equated with a deadly disease. As I tried to explain myself, I realized all I could say was that I was afraid of being in a position to succeed. Trading my comfortable summer job at a restaurant for the hustle and bustle of Boston intimidated me. As crazy as it sounds, when applying for internships I was more relieved than disappointed when a company passed on my application. When companies would request interviews, however, I was sent into a tizzy of worry. What if they hired me? What if I couldn’t conduct myself appropriately in a corporate setting? What if my success caused others to judge me?

As you can imagine, this mindset produced terrible results. I did not showcase my personality or capabilities during interviews, and probably missed great opportunities due to my fear of actually getting a job. My career coach ever so delicately reminded me that the recruiting season was coming to a close and it was down to the wire. I realized I had to find a company to intern with, and fast if I wanted to get anywhere in my career. In hindsight, I realize my career wouldn’t be over if I didn’t have an internship my junior year of college. But that’s beside point. When I applied to my final internship, I gave the process all I had. I put all the negative thoughts behind me and had a phenomenal phone screen and follow-up interview. I was extended an offer, yet my downswing of stress began again. While I was relieved that I could relax for the rest of the semester, I started to panic as the same old thoughts crept into my head. What if I didn’t want to be in the spotlight? What if they realize they made a mistake in hiring me? Even worse, what if I shine during the internship and they begin to expect more out of me than I can produce? All of these questions were flying around in my head during the rest of the semester, up until about halfway through my internship.


At this point, I could tell you a long story about unreliable commuter rails, smelly subways and very awkward moments of me not knowing how to act around COOs in the beginning of my internship, but I’ll spare you these details and move right on to my pivotal moment. About halfway through the summer, I was on the train journaling about my day when I realized my fear of success stemmed from the unknown that comes with actually being successful. Recently, I was introduced to a quote by Marianne Williamson that describes my experience to a tee. It reads, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.” Journaling on that 419 train, I realized that I truly am powerful beyond measure. I can do anything that I work hard for and should be proud of the accomplishments I have made to get here. I needed to stop convincing myself that success would bring negativity and recognize the light I bring. The realization brought closure to my once negative mindset and I am tremendously proud of the transformation I underwent.

Even though I can reflect on my experiences in a positive light, hindsight is 20/20. Looking back and organizing my roller coaster of emotions, I realized I conquered my fear of success by taking a handful of simple steps. I can describe them as follows:

  1. Create your own definition of what success means to you
  2. Question what about that definition scares you
  3. Determine how this fear has led to your self-sabotage
  4. Train yourself to manifest this fear as excitement
  5. Use this new excitement to give 110% effort in your quest for success

Just because I came to this realization doesn’t mean my journey is over. I still use these steps to encourage my development and keep my anxiety at bay. Whether it is setting up a meeting with my mentor, or applying to a job that may be out of my league, I always try to transform my fear into excitement. I look at past stressors as an opportunity to better myself. Instead of waiting until you’re wedged between two people on a 100-degree train to recognize that success shouldn’t be something to fear, I encourage you to self-reflect, fear no fear, and embrace and bask in the bright light that is within all of us.

Meet Fall Intern Jessica DeMeo


Major: Human Resources
Minor: Communication and Sociology
Extracurricular: Bryant Women’s Lacrosse Team
Graduation: May, 2019


Where do you find your motivation to succeed?
I find my motivation from my family. They help shape who I am today. They are always honest with me and cheer me up when I need it most.

What are you passionate about in your free time?
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. Lacrosse is a large commitment, so I cherish the time spent with the people I miss out on during school and practice. I also like to go to the gym and focus my energy on being healthy.

What is your dream car?
A Matte G-Wagon would be awesome.

What is the most exciting destination you traveled to and why?
I would say South Africa. It was very different from any place I have been and I really want to go again. The culture was so unique and everywhere you looked seemed to be an incredible view. I didn’t know what to expect when I was traveling there, and I was pleasantly surprised with my experience.

Where is one place you want to travel in your lifetime?
I really want to go to Australia. I have friends who studied abroad there and it looked so much fun. I could not go abroad for a whole semester because of lacrosse, but my goal is to make it there eventually. It seems like a very chill, “good vibes” environment.

What is your favorite Rhode Island destination?
Narragansett is my favorite spot in Rhode Island because I love the beaches and overall the atmosphere. My favorite sea food is oysters, and they’re very good in Narragansett. It reminds me of home in Long Island, so I am at ease in that area.

What do you love the most about Bryant?
I love that it is a small school where everyone knows one another. I came from a small high school, so I am comfortable knowing those who are around me. I had a few options for colleges, but I chose Bryant for its size. I also enjoy how you can build relationships with your professors. If I have questions or need advice, I know I can just go to a professor’s office hours and they will be there to help me.

If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
I think I would keep a journal about what I do every day. My life is very fast paced, so I would appreciate having more time to reflect on and remember what I did during the day.

What is the best day of the year?
I think the best day of the year is move in day at Bryant University. I look forward to seeing my friends that I missed over the summer. The energy on campus is so much fun and reminds me of why I chose to come to this university.

Meet Fall Intern Mackenzie Terminello


Name: Mackenzie Terminello

Education: Bryant University

Graduation: December, 2018

Major: Human Resource Management

Minor: Communications

Extracurricular: General Manager of Health Education Awareness Leader and Student Alumni Association


Where do you get your motivation to succeed?

I get my motivation from my Mom. She did everything she could to help me get to Bryant. She is such a strong woman that always knows exactly what to say. I can go to her for anything and everything.

Which destination or event has most shaped who you are in life today?

Growing up, my dad was battling an illness which he eventually lost the fight too. Throughout his battle, my mom was hardly around because she was doing everything with him from doctors’ visits to extended hospital stays. As a result, I was forced to grow up at a younger age than most people, teaching myself many life lessons that most were taught by their parents. Looking back, I have found that while challenging at times, those events have shaped me into the strong, independent woman I am today.

During my off time, I am most passionate about…

Being healthy. I really enjoy going to the gym and cooking healthy meals for myself.

What is your dream car?

Definitely an Audi. It doesn’t matter which shape, size, or color, I think all of them are amazing. I am not a car person, but every time I see and Audi drive by it catches my eye.

What is the most exciting destination you have ever traveled to?

Malaysia was the best place I have ever traveled to. Going in I didn’t know what to expect, however I was pleasantly surprised. What I enjoyed the most about this trip was getting to experience a different culture. Everyone there went out of their way to welcome me in and make me feel like I was one of them.

Where is the one place you want to travel in your lifetime?

If I were to pick one place in the world to travel to I would pick rural Africa. It would be a huge wake up call. It seems that everyone there is so appreciative of one another. I think it would make me realize how blessed I am to have everything that I do.

What is your favorite thing about Bryant? 

I love that you get so much real world experience here. I talk to my friends at other schools and they seem to have not decided on a career path. They don’t have relationships with their professors like we do and they don’t have places like the Amica Center to help guide them.

If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with that extra time?

I wouldn’t do more things; I would just do everything at a much slower pace. I would take time to really breathe and appreciate what I am doing at every second.

What’s the best single day on the calendar?

The day after I get all my final grades is the best day ever. I feel relieved when everything is over. I no longer have to stress about my performance in the classes I worked so hard in.

Educate Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself


Central Falls, RI is defined by the Urban Dictionary as “a bankrupt, 1 mile square small city in northern RI, where about 17,000 people reside. Nicknamed CF, it consists of mostly triple-decker apartments and mills and is a relatively dirty city. Over 50% percent of the population is Hispanic and the rest of the population is mostly black. It’s pretty much a ghetto city with one of the worst high schools in the country and is an overrun by drugs. Bottom line is that it’s not an ideal place to live.”

This is pretty much the definition that represents what the majority of my high school classmates thought about my hometown. I really had mixed feelings about people’s perception, I didn’t know if I should be mad, appalled or both? Yes, it was a city mainly composed of lower income families. However, I did not see it as a “ghetto” city with a terrible education system. I would definitely constitute my first day of high school as a culture shock. I went to La Salle Academy, a predominantly white Catholic institution. Being from the inner city, this was my first time exposed to white counterparts. Since moving to the United States, I had only been around people of color, most of my classmates were Hispanic like me or black, and my teachers were mostly white. I hadn’t really thought of this until I got to high school because it wasn’t important to me at that time.

Outsiders thought this was an unsafe city, and it was impossible to walk or drive through. My family moved to the United States for safety reasons, and ever since arriving here, I had never been concerned for my safety. Additionally, through Central Fall’s public school system I was able to learn English quickly and efficiently as a result of their English as a Second Language program. I felt as if it was my duty to educate my classmates about where I came from. I found that most of them had never stepped foot in the city, or talked to others who lived there. Even though I may have not been able to change everyone’s negative perceptions, I could say I tried my best.


Although this may sound cliché, I challenge individuals to step out of their comfort zone, and be more open to new experiences. Don’t be afraid to grow as an individual, life is about experiencing new things.  Seek to learn more about details about environments, situations and other individuals before jumping to conclusions or believing a simple Urban Dictionary definition. This small step will enable us as people with the ability to gain an insight into the experiences of others, as well as broadening the way we think.





Meet Summer Intern Nolan Wilson

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Name: Nolan Wilson

Hometown: Wenham, MA

Education: Bryant University

Major: Management

Minor: Communications

Extracurricular: Football, Management Association



Where do you get your motivation to succeed?

I would definitely say my mom. For most of my youth, my dad was in the hospital, during that time my mom was doing everything and holding it down for the family. My mom motivates me to be the best version of myself and be successful.


What has been your most eventful moment at Bryant University so far?

I would say that my first weekend at Bryant was pretty eventful. I got to meet all the people I would spend the rest of my four years with. It was great to meet other college students I could relate to. It made me realize that my four years at Bryant were going to be amazing.


When Hollywood makes a movie about your entire life and carer, what will the tagline be?

It would be “Perseverance”  because throughout my life perseverance has been a main factor. I have had dyslexia, and throughout my education I have had teachers tell me I wasn’t going to be able to make it through school, but here I am, a year away from my bachelors degree.


During my off time, I am most passionate about….

Helping others. I like being able to know I can make an impact on others lives.


Aside from football, what is your favorite thing to do?

I love going to the beach. Going to the beach reminds me of my childhood because I grew up on the beach and my parents got married on the beach. Overall, going to the beach brings me back great memories and I enjoy it.


What is the most exciting destination you’ve traveled to?

The two places I’ve been to outside of the US is Canada and Jamaica. Jamaica was definitely my favorite. What I enjoyed the most about this trip was the nature of Jamaica and getting to see a different culture. I was also able to go on this trip with one of my good friends from high school so I felt like this definitely enhanced the overall trip.


What is the one place you want to travel in your lifetime?

India. My mom is half Indian, and I would love to see where my mom’s family comes from and experience the culture.


Favorite Rhode Island Destination?

Narragansett Beach.  Like I said earlier, the beach is my favorite place and out of all the beaches I’ve been around this is definitely one of my favorites.

Valentina Godoy: The Intern from the “Bucket”


Richard Ukele: Good Afternoon Valentina, I know you’re a Rhode Island Native, but where exactly are you from and tell me more about yourself.

Valentina Godoy: I’m from “The Bucket” also known as Pawtucket, RI. I’m an HR Management concentration at Bryant University and I am also a member of Bryant’s Multicultural Student Union. MSU, is a Union for students of color to explore different cultures, as well as providing a more diverse environment for our student body.

RU: That’s nice, I’ve only heard good things about Bryant’s MSU program before, but I wanted to ask you, you seem like a well-rounded young woman, what motivates you too be so successful?

VG: My parents, my parents came to the United States for a better life, they worked their tails off and have managed to put multiple kids through school. Seeing them work so hard and be so successful fuels me to grow and do better not only for myself, but for my family.

RU: Did you go to any other schools prior to Bryant?

VG: Yes, I actually went to Suffolk University for three semesters, but I felt that going to a big time city school wasn’t for me and when reviewing transfer options, Bryant seemed like a match made in heaven. Bryant was closer to home for me and I fell in love with the small school atmosphere.

RU: I love your accent by the way; you said you were Colombian if I’m not mistaken?

VG: Yup, 100%

RU: Other than Colombia where is one destination you’ve been to that you absolutely loved and where would you love to travel.

VG: Paris, simply because of the culture from the people to the food to the fashion, it was an amazing trip. Secondly if I were to travel somewhere new it would have to be Egypt. I have to go with Egypt because that’s where my best friend is from and I have to visit with her, so yeah Egypt hands down.

RU: Okay final two questions, would you rather own a private boat or a private plane?

VG: Private plane! I get way too seasick and I would love the comfort, availability and efficiency of owning my own private plane.

RU: Last question, would you rather star in a movie or direct one?

VG: Direct a movie.

RU: Why?

VG: I can’t be in front of a camera, that is way too much pressure and I would rather tell people what to do ha-ha.

RU: Thank you for taking the time out from your day to do this Valentina

VG: The pleasure is mine, thank you!



The Kindergarten Konundrum


Ever since you were a child in kindergarten, you were taught to cross out the difference, spot the difference and circle it or fix the mistake.  There are dozens of names for this exercise that is constantly performed in elementary schools around the county.  As you progress through school, you are taught the proper way to form an essay.  The recipe was clear: topic, three supporting subtopics and three details per paragraph.  If you followed this structure, you were guaranteed a good grade. Your whole life you are taught how to be successful by fitting in and you were rewarded for unoriginality.


This lesson to be unoriginal is plaguing the newer generations.  We are taught that if you are different or try a different style, you were wrong and punished.  It also created a generation that needs constant approval.  If you are told you are wrong often, it caused the need to be sure you are doing the right thing and not wasting anyone’s time doing the material incorrectly.  While there is a time and place for repeating a known process such as arithmetic and grammar, for more creative outlets such as innovation and writing, there is a lack of courage to stepping out of the box.

Erasing mistake

People often refer to Millennials and Gen Z-ers as “wimps who cannot do anything for themselves”.  This is common misconception.  Yes, the younger generations are lacking the confidence to dare, but it is not for lack of ability.  The younger generations are extraordinary at research and are fearless when it comes to technical capabilities.  The younger generations are beyond talented and have skills to truly make a difference in the world.  The thing preventing the Millennials and Gen Z-ers is courage to dare.  Instead of being coddled and trained to need approval, we need to be taught that it is ok to take risks and make mistakes.  Not even that it is ok but rather it is something to be encouraged.  All too often people say it is ok to make mistakes but in practice there is little comfort for those who make mistakes in an educational environmental.  This, on top of the entire burden that is social media, created young people who are terrified of failure.


Everyone knows that failures are a part of life, but no one wants to experience the pain of knowing your actions led to mistakes.  We are not taking the chance to be successful at the cost of what could go wrong.  We are crippling the world of endless possibilities with the fear of looking foolish.  As the generations that are living through the stress of always being monitored by our peers through various social medias and while also being taught in schools that differences are something to fix, not celebrate.  No wonder there is a timidness about taking chances!  It’s a problem that has plagued us for years and it is going to take personal actions to undo the years of uncertainty and fear.

cyber bullying

I challenge all Millennials and Gen Z-ers to try something different today.  I challenge you to step out of the comfort zone and purposely open yourself to an uncertain situation.  Write a story in an unconventional manner.  Don’t use that filter on the selfie you are about to post to social media.  Do something that you enjoy doing or that you have never tried before despite how your friends might perceive the activity.  Take a chance on disapproval.  Instead of crossing out that difference, put a heart around it.  Differences need to be celebrated.  If we were a totally homogeneous society, we would have never been able to move forward into civilization.  Do not be afraid of success because it comes with the chance of failure.  Try to avoid actions for the sake of approval or safety but rather do what you believe is right.  The people who are truly successful are those who are unafraid to try.  It doesn’t happen overnight.  Learning to take chances takes time, but by taking small steps to being a more confident, daring self will pay off with being a courageous, successful individual. So I encourage you to go out and put a heart around that difference; make a mistake today!

you willl be fine

Taking Time to Make Time

First thing I’d like to say is that it’s great to be back. Some of you might know that I interned here at MSI during the Fall of 2016 and wrote a blog about mixing business with art. It’s been over a year since my last blog post and my life has gotten Businessman standing and making his choice between timesmuch busier. Since the last time you heard from me, I have joined the Executive Boards of The Bryant Singers, Bryant Improv Troupe, and the Creative Writing Club. I am also directing Heathers: The Musical, trying to get the school’s theater fixed up, started an Inter-Arts Council to help market the different arts groups and I’m in the professional fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi. That’s all on top of five classes, endless homework and an amazing Internship at MSI. I do all this while trying to juggle a social life and get at least four hours of sleep every night!

You may be asking yourself “How does he do it?” The reality is that I don’t know. I have countless commitments, a multitude of meetings and an interesting internship to keep me intrigued. I get up at 7am every morning. I shower, get dressed make breakfast and head out the door. My days consist of either the internship or class followed by Creative Writing Club and the Bryant Players E-board meetings on busy-scheduleMondays. On Tuesdays we have The Bryant Players general meeting. Wednesdays, I go right from the internship to The Bryant Singers E-board meeting followed by two hours of singing. Thursdays I have some time off after class and usually do some laundry. Friday I almost always have some kind of meeting followed by BIT E-board and the general meeting itself. Plus, rehearsals for Heathers: The Musical, Monday through Thursday from 9 to at least 11 and various Fraternity events throughout the semester. I have to do all of that while finding time to eat, study, sleep, workout, breathe and do all of the other work that needs to get done outside of these commitments.

In short, I am a very busy person. With early mornings, late nights and constant activity in between, there isn’t much time to relax. Luckily, I enjoy what I do. It’s a crazy, jam packed life that I live but it’s definitely one I wouldn’t trade for the world. relax-05While this crazy life is a lot of fun it is extremely important to not get burnt out. Sometimes I need to take time out of my day, in order to make time to sit back and relax. Sometimes it’s hanging out at the dining hall a little bit longer than you need so you can talk with your friends. Other times it’s going to Denny’s with 20 people after rehearsal. And once in a while you need to go back to your room and take a nap.

The way I see it, being able to juggle everything that I’m doing now, will simply prepare me for the rest of my life. The chances of me being as busy as I am at all hours of the day once I’m out into the world after graduation are slim to none. Still, even if I have a simple 9 to 5 job, I think I’d get bored with the monotony that kind of life brings. There’s something exciting about having so many different things going on and I’m not sure if I’m going to be ready to give that up just yet.

enjoying life

Michael Criscuolo

Bryant University 2019

What do Polar Bears and Olympic Ice Skaters have in Common?

As the Olympians return home and we all return to our regularly scheduled programs, it is hard to let the high of the Olympics end. Young people who have dedicated their lives to their craft going head to head to represent their country and their sport.  It is the dream of every child to reach this stage and seeing someone reach their life’s goal is always heartwarming and awe-inspiring.


The sport that never ceases to amaze me is ice-skating. Unlike other sports where one races to show their skill or is relying on teamwork and communication for success, ice-skating is solely on the one ice skater and how they mentally approach the entire routine.  Most of these skaters have been skating since they could walk.  They practice for hours a day, every day, perfecting their jumps and spins.  Yet after all their hard work, all the repetition and all the skills they have acquired, they still fall.  Even during competition on moves they have nailed hundreds of times before, they will fall on the ice in front of millions of global viewers.  But the truly amazing thing is after they stumble, they get back up and finish the routine all while portraying the emotion of the song they are skating to.  They accept stumbling and falling as a part of what happens in their sport and continue on.  At the end of their routine they beam up at the audience, proud of what they have just accomplished.  Even the medalists trip and fall yet they push through to become Olympic Champions.  Their determination and acceptance of errors is what makes these Olympians stand out and be successful in the sport of ice-skating.


I believe the same approach must be made in multiple facets of one’s life.  This is especially true in one’s professional life. As someone at the beginning of their career, it is easy to get discouraged from mistakes and rejection.  Applying to multiple jobs or internships only to hear a no or worse, no response.  Your resume may be impressive and you could have prepared for the interview, but sometimes you stumble.  You might not have been what the company was looking for but that’s just part of the game.  In the sport of job hunting, there are many competitors fighting for that coveted job.  You might practice and perfect your skills and resume, but during the interview, you might stumble.  You can either get down on yourself and throw away any opportunity of getting the job, or you can smile and get right back up.  There is still the possibility of nailing the rest of the interview and it will demonstrate perseverance and adaptability.  If you do not get the particular job you want, you cannot get down on yourself.  Instead of focusing on the mistakes and failures, think of the next jump in your routine, think of the next job opportunity that you can use your skills to achieve.  Even if you trip and fall, there is always another chance around the corner.


Something that Olympic Ice-Skaters have accepted is that failures and mistakes are a part of their sport.  No matter how many times they practice or how prepared they might be, mistakes will happen.  One just needs the mentality of accepting this and getting back into the game rather than sitting on the cold ice.  If the first stumble shakes you too much, you will never be able to successfully nail the next event.  Life is full of trips and stumbles, but to succeed you have to get back up and smile like a champion.


Pencil Me In


Being a senior in college, I have gone through many trials and errors with increasing my productivity and output. Many people ask how I personally handle my life as a graduating college student, my part time job, searching for a post-graduation job, and an internship on top of that. Let’s just say it is not easy, but my routine helps. It isn’t always easy but a routine is a way to help yourself in the right direction.

There are many different ways to assist yourself in your own success. For many college students and young professionals establishing a routine is a key to their day to day success. A simple routine for the day can help jumpstart a successful day. Getting a little extra sleep since your clothes are already laid out? Sounds like a start to a successful day. Reducing time spent on menial tasks can boost productivity. Here are a couple ways to improve your overall time management and productivity within your day to day routine.

  1. Lay out your clothes the night before

My mom definitely taught me this when I was younger, and I never listened until I was pressed for time and rushing every morning. I would go through ten outfits that I didn’t like in the morning, and be greeted to a wrinkled pile of clothes when I got home from work. Picking out an outfit or two that you would want to wear the next day takes out all the morning frustrations, and you are much less likely to mix up your navy blue and black pants the day before.


  1. Position everything you need together

Always looking for your keys in the morning? Pop them on top of your lunch. When you look to grab your lunch, your keys will be right there. It’s an easy way to jog your memory and reduce the amount of time scrambling in the morning.

  1. Make your bed in the morning

If you’re like me and need a coffee or three to wake you up during the day, making your bed in the morning is crucial. Your bed helps you rest up for the next day, making it in the morning is a way to make your night time routine seamless. There is no fiddling with the sheets and pillows if you have already made it in the morning, there is less of a hassle at night.


  1. Keep an up to date calendar

A calendar is a routine’s best friend. If something is coming up, write it into your calendar. Get an electronic calendar if it appeals more to your lifestyle. I use Outlook’s calendar feature. It is easy to input reoccurring meetings, like class or work. It is also easy enough to just pop it in to your calendar. It makes remembering things easy and effortless.

  1. Schedule time for yourself and friends

This might sound bizarre, but adding time for yourself in your calendar can help keep a balance in your schedule. It is a part of a well-rounded routine to block off time for oneself. Whether it’s used for Netflix or going for a walk, it is up to you. This will reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed by work.


  1. Schedule time for applying for jobs or internships

A part of being a college student is the next step. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming, planning a time each week to search and apply for jobs can make it painless. It will also put your mind at ease, knowing that there are no deadlines approaching that you have missed.

These small steps in order to put yourself in a good routine can reduce stress, boost time management, and increase productivity. Try it for a couple days if you don’t believe it and I am sure you will be feeling more in control and balanced.


Bridget McLean 

Bryant University Class of 2018

Meet MSI Spring Intern Bridget McLean

fileFrom: Braintree, Massachusetts

Education: Bryant University

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Management

Minor: Psychology

Extracurricular: Her Campus and Founding Member of Alpha Sigma Alpha

Where do you get your motivation to succeed?

I am very self-motivated.  I often find competing with myself to be the best way to challenge and push myself to being my best.

Which destination or event has most shaped who you are in life today?

Coming to Bryant has shaped my life the most. I am a completely different person then who I was when I first came here. At Bryant, I have learned who I am and discovered the path I want to be both from a career perspective and as person.

When Hollywood makes a movie about your entire life and career, what will the title and tagline be?

When my life turns into the film My Left Orange Croc, Mindy Kaling will be playing me.

Why did you choose Bryant?

When I first came to Bryant, I had no idea what Bryant was and I applied blindly. When I was here, everyone was so friendly and nice that I actually cried.  While it was embarrassing and my father was concerned about me, I knew this was it. I felt like I belonged.

If you could have brunch with anyone three people, dead or alive, who would they be?

I would love to have brunch with my Grandmother. She was an interesting and driven woman who did what she believed in. I would love to pick her brain to know more about her.  Once when she was a 30-year-old, she chained herself to a fire house to prevent it from being torn down and now it is still there! It’s pretty incredible what she did and I would love to talk to her.

Second would probably be Michelle Obama, she seems really cool.  She is a motivated, driven woman with passion. She did a lot with her role and I admire how she did the best she could with her position as First Lady.

Third would be Kanye West. I’ve always loved his music and his personality is so interesting.  His brain is different than the average person; he’s crazy but interesting.



What made you join a sorority?

In my time at Bryant, I have been involved with lots of different things such as Public Relation for Players and President of Her Campus.  For my Junior year, I was wondering what was next that will further my reach and think in a different perspective.  Alpha Sigma Alpha was just founded and I liked how I would have the opportunity to be a first mover. I can start traditions and help other girls to where I was in my life. I can help them feel motivated and empowered plus I met underclassman that I would have never known which is amazing.

During my off time, I am most passionate about…

Helping others. I don’t find much off time because I am always pushing myself, but I often put it into other projects and helping my friends. I like to help!

What is your spirit animal and why?

I wanna say goat. I don’t know why, I just think they are really cute and always try to make peoples day.

Favorite movie?

Dead Poet Society.  Anything Robin Williams touched is gold.

What is the most exciting destination you’ve ever traveled to?

Spain. In high school I went to Madrid for a week with a host family.  What was really awesome was that I was there for the Easter celebration.  There were parades in the streets and everything.  It was a great time to be in Madrid.

What song would describe you and your best friend?

Count on Me.  We are roommates and are always there for each other, whether you like it or not.

Where is the one place you want to travel in your life?

Africa. I had always thought it was the same throughout until I took an African History class and learned so much.  I want to go there and experience the rich cultures and diverse scenery.

Favorite Rhode Island Destination?

I love going to Downtown Providence. There are always events going on and it’s fun to see the new and different festivals and such. It is hip and happening!

Meet MSI Spring Intern Jill Buckley

Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 3.35.25 PM.png

College: Bryant University

Graduation Year: 2019

Major: Human Resources and Communications

Internship: Management Search Inc. Account Executive Intern

Campus Involvements: Bryant Singers, BIT,  Bryant Players, Dragon Dance Team

Where do you get your motivation to succeed?

I am a very competitive person, and I often compare myself to what I did last. I look for where I can improve. I have two older sisters, so I compare myself to them, though they are much older than me. It just motivates me to live up to my sister’s expectations and exceed them. A little family competition, never hurt anyone.

What destination or event has most shaped who you are in life today?

Going to my high school, I went to a very small, all-girl, boarding school. I lived there and it was the first time I had experienced living with someone who was not in my family. I lived with a girl from Seoul, Korea. It was incredible experience. I got to meet girls from Africa, Asia, and all across Europe. There was a huge diversity of ethnicities, religion, different sexual orientations, and that was the first time I wasn’t in my very vanilla home town. Getting that global experience at such a young age really changed who I was and opened me up to so many amazing things out in the world.

If you could pick one person dead or alive to have lunch with, who would it be? And why?

I am a big history nerd, I would love to sit down with any of the Founding Fathers. I would probably want to sit down with George Washington. I am just interested in seeing how he would feel about the current political climate, and his friend Hamilton having a musical based on his life. I would be curious to see his reaction to everything that is happening now.

What was your favorite role you have ever portrayed in a musical or a show?

Probably, Eurydice from the show Eurydice. It is a modern adaptation of the Eurydice and Orpheus story. It was just so different from anything I had ever done before. It was darker, much more serious and it also had really bizarre moments. I had the opportunity to die on stage, which was fun; I got to go in an elevator that rained. It challenged me a lot since it was so odd, it really helped me grow as a person.

What is your dream role in a show?

I would love to be anyone from Phantom of the Opera. Christine would be great to play, but I also think playing the Phantom himself would be so interesting. I love the special effects and I could listen to the sound track and never grow tired of it. I could listen to the orchestra forever and be so entertained.

In a Hollywood movie based on your life, what would be the title, and who would play your part?

I think maybe Kirsten Bell, I have been watching videos of her recently and she seems so quirky and funny. The only title I can think of is, “Idle hands are the Devil’s work”. That is what my mom always would say to me, which might be the reason that I feel as if though I should always be doing something. I rarely have free time, but it is a working title.

What is your spirit animal?

I think maybe a wolf because they are really cute and people usually think they are loners, but they are always with their pack.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love music. Often if we have free time together, my friends and I will go to the Interfaith Center and sing. We often have riff offs, like from Pitch Perfect, minus the acapella. I love watching musicals and I love how people express themselves through music. Though, I do not play any instruments.

What is the most exciting destination you have ever traveled to and why?

I traveled to China as a part of Bryant University’s Sophomore International Experience and I fell in love with the country. I was astounded by the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. They are such well known icons of Chinese culture and to actually be there, knowing the work that went into creating them, was mind blowing. Like any other wonder of the world, they are breath taking. I have seen those two and I have been to Stonehenge and just seeing these works are amazing.

Where is one place you would like to travel in your lifetime and why?

As I mentioned earlier, my freshman year roommate in high school was from Korea and she actually got me interested in a lot of Korean culture. I think it is a beautiful country and I still watch their movies from time to time and I would love to visit her. She has been to my house plenty of times, so I would love to see how different it is to live there. I think it is a beautiful culture, I have taken a couple of classes on Asian culture and I think it is captivating.

What is your favorite Rhode Island destination?

I really love Pastiche Bakery in Providence. My best friend and I will go there when we just need a day off. They have the best desserts and that will just be our meal. They make such good bakery products and it is a nice getaway from the hustle and bustle of Bryant.

Walk Where Your Heart Leads You

equality 4

Every individual has a past that molds them to who they are now, they also have different journeys that make them who they are now. Without taking the time to listen and comprehend, we won’t know them at all. Taking the time to get to know someone, will help us understand that there is good in everyone. We might find that they are not what people around us or the media make them out as at own core, we are all human beings.

What happened on September 11, was a terrible thing that changed the world. People have a certain view of Muslims because of those few people. Just because a few people did something terrible doesn’t mean Muslims are all evil. It is difficult to change our views because of the tragic event but by doing so it’s a step in making the world being a better place. We can’t hate and be angry of all Muslims just because a few people.

I personally witnessed how that event changed people’s perception at Muslims. There were people that would make fun of the way they dressed and their religion. Why? There are reasons for what they do but people don’t take the time to understand it. All hear is that they are Muslims and the switch in their head thinks they are a bad person based upon a few people. It shouldn’t be like that, people should never be treated like that.

Now, people are discussing building a wall and making it harder for people to enter the United States. Why should we do that? If there were laws and barriers in the past then no one would be living in the United States but the Native Americans. Some people think that restricting people from coming in the United States would help us be safer. Because of a group of people that attacked the United States, people think that if you’re not from the United States then you are out to harm our country. Not all immigrants are bad. People like Albert Einstein, Sergey Brin, Dikembe Mutombo, Joseph Pulitzer, Anne Elisabeth Claiborne, Freddy Adu, Arnold Schwarzenegger, were immigrants that came to the United States and accomplished incredible things.

equality 2

In the past people of all races fought together for a purpose, for their kids to live in a better world. In the media, you see a lot of stories about people harming each other. The results are people dying. For what reason? Is it because of their ethnicity? Would our ancestors be happy with the world we live in now?

equality 1

There are people out there that are getting harmed because of the way we are treating each other. Michael Brown, VonDerrit Myers Jr, Zachary Hammonh, etc are perfect examples. These young kid’s lives were cut short. They could have been the next governor for their states, we will never know now. People need to acknowledge what is going on in the world. At this rate, our ancestors died for no reason.

We all need to work together instead of going against each other. We have to unite to make a difference. In Martin Luther King, Jr famous “I Have a Dream speech”, he said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” People have to treat others the way they want to be treated. Before judging people on their appearance, everyone needs to take a step back and listen and understand each other.


Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover

Growing up in Vietnam, my parents didn’t have an ordinary childhood like most. They had to grow up while the Vietnam War was taking place. They would see people they cared about dying and live their lives not knowing if that day was their last. In 1993, they decided to come to the United States. They had nothing by 10 dollars and my older brother in my Mother’s tummy. They knew that coming to the U.S would help their kids live a better life then they did. They heard about other people coming and having more opportunities that Vietnam couldn’t offer them.

People all over the world come to the United States for one reason, which reasoning and that is to better their family’s future. They want their kids to live a better life then they did. The U.S gives people hope that there is a place out there that will help their current situation. United States is a place for people to leave corrupt government or war torn country to start a new life.

Even though Vietnam was not the dream place to grow up in, it was their home. They had family there, they knew the area, and they had people that would always be there for them. Coming to a new place and having to start all over was scary. But they believed that it would be the best for their family’s future.

After arriving in America, they bounced around friend’s couches, my father didn’t want my mother to work because she had to take care of my older brother. He didn’t work for much but he needed the money because he had a family to support. People treated him like dirt but he still got up every day before sunrise to get to work. It was not easy for them coming to the United States, but through my father determination they, found success.

They are now citizen of the United States. They came to America with only 10 dollars and now own a house and 2 businesses. It was not easy but they did it. They worked hard, earned everything they have, sent 3 kids to college and accomplished everything they dreamed of while traveling to the U.S many years ago.

They are my heroes, they taught me the right ways of doing things. Nothing in my life will be given to me. If I want something, I have to go out in the world and earn it.

People judged them on their looks, the clothes they were wearing, and how they spoke. They never let that affect them and became great and successful people.

As a result I don’t judge people because I was taught to give everyone a chance. Hating people takes too much energy and who knows, they could wind up being your best friend. My parents were immigrants, they have been through many struggles just because of their appearance. They fought and never gave up on giving their kids and a better place to live. It didn’t stop them from helping others, they give back to the community even though people question their actions. They taught me that people need to take a step forward and help others because if you don’t, then who will?

Everyone want to be successful. I am one of them. I need to because if I’m not then I feel that my parents sacrifice everything for nothing. I’m going to be a great business man but what matters the most is how I will treat people and become successful the right way. I’m going to do everything the right way and help people while I do it. After reading this, I challenge you to not judge others based upon what they look like or what they wear, but to be open minded to others and accept them for who they are.blog1 pic

Meet MSI Summer Intern Julia Flynn

Julia FlynnFrom: Pembroke, Mass

Education: Bryant University

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Management

Minor: Marketing, Psychology

Internship: Management Search Inc. HR Intern

If we made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the role of you?

Julia Roberts

She is really family oriented. I respect her core values as well as her ability to stay humble.

3 people dead or alive, who would you pick to go on a dinner with?

Johnny Depp

Ellen DeGeneres

Michael Phelps

What is your favorite brand for clothing?


What is your dream job?

Having a key role in a big corporation that involves making a difference and empowering others

What is your favorite Disney movie?

Beauty and the beast

If you can spend the whole day with someone who would it be?

My mother. She is my favorite person to spend time with. She works a lot so I enjoy the time we spend with each other.

What is your favorite type of music?

R&B and hip hop. Really anything that I can dance too.

How do you feel about learning from the great Tony?

It was a privilege getting to learn from the great Tony. He truly does care about the interns he brings in and makes it a point to have them come out of the internship ready to take on the challenges in the business world.

What was the best costume you wore for Halloween as a child?

I was a Go Go Girl.

What made you attend Bryant University?

My parents thought it would be a great chance for me to play division one as well as receiving a great education.

What advice would you give to future MSI intern?

You should come in with an open mind and be ready for a challenge.

What is your dream vacation?

I would love to go to Hawaii. I would surf every day.  Surfs up dude.

Who is your dream husband?

Leonardo Dicaprio. I love his personality as both an actor and a person. He is the perfect fit for me in. I like his spunk.

Who is your favorite athlete?

Kerry Walsh. She is an amazing athlete. When I started playing volleyball she was the player I looked up too. When I had both my knee and shoulder surgery, I looked to her for motivation due to all of the injuries and surgeries she has gone through and still be able to remain the amazing player she is today.

If there was one concert that you would love to attend who would you like to go see?

Chainsmokers. I like all the variety they have in each song.

Donald trump or Barack Obama

Trump. I feel that he is a powerful business man who can make some serious changes in America that need to be made. I respect how much work and effort he puts into each project that is put in front of him.

Who would you want singing your wedding song?

Ron Pope

What Rugrats would you want to be?

Susie Carmichael

What is your view of Christian Martey?

He has a confident presence to him. Christian is a good leader.

Meet MSI Summer Intern Christian Martey

From: Centerville, Virginia

Education: Bryant Universitychristiann11

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Human Resource Management

Minor: Communications and Psychology

Internship: Management Search Inc.  HR Intern


All about Christian:

What are Christian’s core values in life?

Respecting one another, building trusting relationships, and being a genuine person.

Where did he get his motivation to succeed in both football and academics?

Christian feels that football and academics go hand and hand. In order for him to continue playing football, he needs to meet the requirements both in the classroom and on the field.

What made Christian decide to attend Bryant University?

After his knee injury,  he had to start being realistic about his future and saw that Bryant had the perfect balance of academics, social life, and football.

What is Christian’s next move after Bryant?

Christian strives to become a pro football player with a backup plan of building his way up in the business world and seeing where it takes him.

Does Christian have any career goals he’d like to achieve some day?

Someday he’d like to leave an impact on something or someone important to him. Giving back to both society and to the people who have helped him get to where he is today.

What does Christian like to do during his off time?

He enjoys experimenting with new recipes, working out, and spending time with friends.

What is his favorite movie?

Christian enjoys watching anything that makes him laugh.

What is the one place Christian wants to travel in his lifetime and why?

Christian has always wanted to explore Europe and would also love to visit Australia and spend time with some of his family who live in Sydney.

What is Christian’s favorite place to go in Rhode Island?

Mission Burger in Newport

What is his favorite sports team to watch?

Red Skins

What is Christian’s go to social media platform and why?

He enjoys snapchat the most because of all of the new features and filters it includes each week.

What is Christian’s dream car?

Chevy Corvette Z06

What is his dream house destination?

Anywhere off the shore

If he could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Christian would like it to be his mom. With him living in Providence and his mom in Virginia, they never get to spend much time together.

What is one key thing Christian took from the MSI internship so far?

“What I have taken from this experience so far is that it’s not about how much money you are making or what position or title you have within the company, it’s about finding something you have a passion in and looking to where you can make a positive impact on something or someone.”

What made Christian choose MSI for a summer internship? 

He has had past interns who have told him nothing but great things about MSI and Tony.  He was also told that MSI was the most beneficial internship they have ever had and it has prepared them for future jobs in the workplace.

What skills were Christian hoping to learn during this internship?

He has improved in his written communication skills and has learned to listen. “Being able to turn an interview into a free flowing conversation  is a valued aspect in the work place” Christian says.

What advice would Christian give to the next MSI interns:

“Come in with an open mind, and be prepared for a challenge. If you have any questions, his door is always open. Be ready for him to critique you and walk in everyday with positive attitude.”



Meet MSI Summer Intern Tommy Duong

College: Bryant Universitytd pic

Graduation year: 2018

Major: Human Resource Management

Minor: Communications & Math

Internship: Management Search Inc. (Account Executive Intern)

All about Tommy:

Tommy is of Vietnamese decent and currently resides in Fitchburg, MA. He has 3 siblings, 2 brothers and 1 sister and she is attending Bryant this upcoming fall. He is the first in his family to attend a university and he is a part of the Division 1 Bryant Bulldog football team.

Where does Tommy get his motivation to succeed?

I’m afraid to fail because if I do I feel like I let my family and friends down.

What destination or event has shaped who he is in life today?

My friend who ran track at UMass Lowell drowned unexpectedly 2 years ago, and it made me realize that life is short and you never know which day can be your last.

What are his career goals?

I want to be a global HR manager for Nike and make a lot of money.

During his time off, he enjoys?

I like to hangout with family and friends, workout, and watch movies.

Top 3 movies?

Remember the Titans.

The Best Man.

Love & Basketball.

Dream Car?

White Aston Martin.

What is the most exciting destination Tommy has ever traveled to?


Where is the one place Tommy wants to travel to in his lifetime?


What is Tommy’s favorite Rhode Island/Massachusetts destination?

Newport and Boston.

Why did Tommy choose to intern at MSI?

I knew it would help me grow as a young HR manager and benefit my future.

What are some daily responsibilities in the intern role?


Social Media.


Meeting with supervisor.

What skills does Tommy hope to learn?

Writing skills and knowing how to recruit.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be?

My friend that passed away Tonio.

What is your favorite sports team?


What social media app do you use the most?

Myspace….haha no Twitter.

Advice to future MSI Interns?

Be open to learn new things, learn the intern book, and don’t forget your lunch at home.

Simply Complicated

Going into my senior year at Bryant University, I feel like a different person. My years at Bryant have taught me a handful of lessons that I will forever live by.


In the beginning of my junior year of high school, I made the decision to commit to Bryant University and play Division 1 volleyball. I remember feeling rushed and overwhelmed thinking about my college career. My future coach was waiting on my decision and my dad was loading on the pressure.  All I could think to myself is what if….”what if I make the wrong decision..what if there is a better fit for me out there.” With a sense of urgency coming from my dad, I realized that I did not have much of a choice. He would not let this opportunity slip by, and that feeling of hesitation I had took a back seat. I told my coach the decision and soon after, I signed the national letter of intent. Immediately after committing to play at Bryant, there was a sense of regret. Was I excited to go off by myself and become independent? Of course. Did I think Bryant was the right fit for me at that time? No, not at all.

By the time senior year of high school came around, all of my friends began to pick their college of choice. The Instagram posts came piling in. Pictures of all the different universities my classmates were going to attend. Watching my friends become so excited about the school they picked should have only made me happy for them, but for some reason it only made me feel jealous and upset.

Approaching that summer, my stress and anxiety levels were at an all-time high. All of the “what ifs” came rushing back into my head and I began thinking of ways I could transfer, trying to give myself some sort of a safety net.

As a freshman walking into my first day of preseason, little did I know Bryant had in store for me the best four years of my life.

My college experiences have shaped me into the person I am today, and supplied me with crucial life lessons.


#1 The grass ISN’T always greener on the other side.

Up until Bryant, I always made sure to have a handful of options. Options can be a blessing and a curse. They provide you with opportunity and the chance to never settle for less. However, options can cause you to overthink and possibly make a decision you weren’t ready to make. No matter what decision I’d make I would always go searching for the next best thing. At first, I thought this was a good quality to have, to never settle, however, I have learned that you can’t always be greedy.

In high school, no one truly knows what they want and having to juggle this major decision as a junior of where to attend college can be overwhelming. What I did not realize at the time was that my friends were probably even more stressed applying to dozens of schools, where I just had to apply to one. I am thankful for the opportunity to have committed to Bryant my junior year and my few years at Bryant have made me realize this school was the perfect fit for me.

#2 Everything happens for a reason

One of the first challenges I faced at Bryant was my decision to either play through the season with my knee injury or to get knee surgery that would take up to almost 8 months to recover. Once again, all of the “what ifs” filled up my head…” what if my knee is never the same after surgery” … “what if I play through the pain and can never prove myself to my team.” I knew I was going to miss my whole freshman season and watch from the sidelines

Looking back, I wish I had known the only alternative was to get the surgery. I wasted so much time and effort stressing about all the small factors that did not even matter. From this experience, I’ve become both mentally and physically stronger as a person. Having to red shirt my freshman year was the best thing that could have happened to me. It has given me an extra year of eligibility at Bryant, and the opportunity to pursue my master’s degree while getting to play my last year of volleyball at this university with all of my teammates.

#3 Just go with the flow and things will fall into place

I am a big believer in not forcing situations. I would be the first to go after something that I want, but if it doesn’t work out the way I had planned, I don’t dwell on it, I move forward.  This plays well into volleyball, if I make a mistake I am not going to continue to think about the mistake I made because that’s something I can’t change. I’ve learned to pick myself up and be ready for the next play just as I do in life situations.


#4 Make the best out of any situation

There have been many times in my life where I have been put into situations that I wanted no part of. A couple of them being my knee surgery and my decision to attend Bryant. When I found out I had to go through with the surgery, the only thoughts running through my head were if I should continue to play volleyball or just call it quits. What I should have been thinking when the doctor first had told me, was ways to come back stronger as a player and that is exactly what I did. I did my 8 months of rehab and recovery and came back as a sophomore stronger than ever. If I go into every situation with an open mind, my experience will 100% always turn out positive.

Worrying so much about the choice I made to attend Bryant, only made me a stressed out high school kid. I should have accepted the great opportunity I had in front of me, and figured out how to make the best out of my time at Bryant rather than thinking about ways to transfer.

Each one of these challenges I faced has only made me stronger. You may not even notice, but the experiences you go through each day begin to shape who you are as a person. It is important to learn from trial and error and make the best out of any situation you are thrown into. When the “what if’s” start to rush into your mind, don’t let these thoughts overtake you. From my years at Bryant, I learned to stop predicting and assuming how an experience will turn out, and enjoy the journey and the learning opportunities I gained along the way. Next time you are faced with a challenge or a difficult situation, it is important to not dwell on what you can’t change and find ways to push forward and become the better version of yourself.



Julia Flynn

Bryant University Class of 2018

Call me Maybe?

In the millennial generation, talking on the phone is not a skill that comes easily to us.  We are constantly communicating through means of written communication such as texting, and emailing.  When entering the workforce, especially in the field of recruiting it is important to break away from written communication, and learn how to pick up the phone and talk to someone.  Picking up the phone and talking to someone directly is often times a much easier way to communicate as, it is quicker than an email or text message, and it reduces the chance of your message being misconstrued.  Building relationships via the phone is critical to success in both recruiting as well as business.images

Talking on the phone to professionals is not something that is easy to do.  It will take a lot of skill and practice to perfect. The first time my boss asked me to call someone, rather than emailing them I went through in my head about 100 times what I was going to say before I picked up the phone. A certain phone etiquette must be followed if you want a business professional to take you seriously.  These five tips will ensure that your message comes through loud and clear.

1. Make sure you speak clearly and use a tone of voice that will appeal to the person.

If you are the type of person that has a sing-songy tone of voice especially when talking on the phone, try to leave that behind.  A high pitch tone could give the perception that you are young, and often times inexperienced.  Try to be very direct in your tone of voice, and to annunciate your words so that they can hear you clearly.

2. Do not interrupt the person you are talking to.

I know that often times this does not happen on purpose, but as you are talking to a     business professional be sure to hear them out.  It is important that they get their point across and do not feel as if you are disregarding what they are trying to say. I know you   probably have a list of questions especially if you are a recruiter; however, interruptions interrupt the consistent flow of communication

3. Be mindful of their day.

Business professionals are typically very busy people.  Make sure you are not catching them in the middle of a meeting, or as they are about to run into one.  You also need to be sure that you do not keep them on the phone for too long, and try to get your point across quickly. At the end of the call be sure to thank them for their time.compare-cell-phones-2

4. Use oral cues.

Since this is not a face-to-face communication, it is important to show that you are actively listening.  You can easily do this by using oral cues such as “mhmm”, or “yes” now and then to show that you understand what they are saying, and you are listening to them.

5. Be prepared to answer questions.

Before calling make sure to think of potential questions a professional may ask you.  If you do not know the answer to a simple question, it will come off unprofessional. Also, be sure to have someone to direct questions to if you do not have an answer right away.

Now that you know these tips, you are better equipped to speak to business professionals. It is important to remember that you will feel nervous at first, and it definitely takes some getting used to.  Do not be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone, because over time it will become more natural, and something you will not even have to think twice about.  Give it a shot, you will be amazed by the conversations you can have and the people you will meet.


Kassi LoPresti
Bryant University Class of 2018

A Day in the Shoes of a Stressed College Kid


Your curtains are closed; your dorm room is pitch black, yet all you can hear is the annoying sound of reality hitting, your alarm going off. If you are anything like me, you hit the snooze button not once, not twice, but three times… on two different alarms. I know for me, I can’t take the chance of sleeping through the alarm. I need to take all precautions, I just can’t risk it. You lay there staring the ceiling contemplating what your options are.

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First, your body is telling you to put your phone on do not disturb and go back to bed. You realize that although dates with your bed are better than one with any human, you truly want to be a productive member of society. Your mind brings you to the next possibility, what if I drop everything here, move to California, live the Cali-life and become famous. This thought brings a huge smile to your face even though its 6:30 a.m. After fantasizing for a couple of minutes about this dream life, you realize that you should actually start getting ready for day and that neither your bed nor potential life in the Golden State is worth screwing up everything you’ve done to get to your senior year at one of Northeast’s greatest business schools. You look down at your phone and realize that it’s now 6:47 and you’ve wasted seventeen precious minutes. In those seventeen minutes, you could be perfecting your mascara, scrolling though Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter (because seriously, there’s so much you missed since 1 AM when you fell asleep scrolling), or my personal favorite, the extra time in the hot shower contemplating once more.

Fast forward and its three minutes before you need to leave for your internship and you still need to pack a lunch. You run down to the kitchen, open the fridge and realize, “OMG I need to go shopping…BAD!”

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You start throwing things that somewhat make sense into a plastic bag because who needs a lunchbox? Because it’s senior year, you don’t even make your sandwich anymore, you throw in the turkey, cheese, mustard, the bread. You scan your cabinets for something that will really compliment the sandwich, only to realize you have nothing. After accepting defeat, you run to your car and hit the road. The playlist on the way work is everything. Are you feeling excited? Sad? Angry? Indifferent? Are you thinking about what happened last weekend or are you creating the scenarios for this weekend in your head? The playlist coincides with your mood. My favorite is old school jams that I can belt out and have strangers stare at me while sitting in traffic.

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You’re now half way through your internship and everything is going smoothly. Tony has already made an infinite amount of jokes and you start to feel like everything is going right. He has you on a task and you take it by the horns. You start to read something on LinkedIn and all of sudden stress overtakes your body. You remember that you can’t go home after this internship because you have class. After class, you have to work at intramurals. After intramurals you have a paper to write, a Wall Street Journal article to analyze, and not to mention you missed last night’s episode of Empire. From here on out your day drags. You make it back to school and you’re in the last class. You could really be utilizing this time to either start researching articles for your paper or even bang out that Wall Street Journal assignment but your professor doesn’t allow laptops even though the school provides you with them. I mean, your professor is probably smart because its people like you who take advantage and use them for other classes instead of paying attention. Now you’re just counting down the minutes before you can leave because you really have the urge to be productive so you’re not up until 1AM again.

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You finally make it back to your townhouse and it’s about dinner time. You open your fridge and you are again reminded how bad you need to go shopping. However, you manage to have enough ingredients to make a dinner, chicken, rice, and frozen veggies. Perfection on a plate. You tell yourself you have been going strong all day so you deserve to catch up on Empire during dinner. That won’t hurt anyone right? Next thing you know, you’ve watched last week’s episode and started a new show and it’s time to head to work at intramurals. You sit through three games of basketball attesting to the fact that thankfully these players went to a business school and didn’t pursue a career in athletics. You finally make it home and pull out your computer, planner, phone charger and blanket. You’re at your desk and try to get started but it’s taken you so much effort to get to this point so you pull out your phone even though you know that’s dangerous.

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Next thing you know, it’s 11:30 p.m. and nothing on your to-do list is touched. You panic and then start to accomplish your task. You finally hit the hay around 1:30AM and the cycle repeats the next day.

When you’re lying in the dark listening to your alarm clock going off contemplating life like I was, I challenge you to do think of these three things:

  1. Life is too short so take advantage of it! Sometimes it’s okay to say yes to Netflix or the like because you deserve it. Keep in mind, though; use this as a reward system. By not doing so, you will drown yourself and it’s all downhill from there.
  2. Hold yourself accountable! In college, there isn’t anyone to make sure you’re truly doing what you’re supposed to be doing. It all rests on your shoulders. If you start to let things slide, it becomes habit and you start letting more and more things go. Think of karma in this situation. It will come back to haunt you.
  3. Do what you say you’re going to do! If you do what you say you’re going to do, when you say you’re going to do it, you will be golden! The worst part of college is when you procrastinate and everything sneaks up on you and you start to drown in your own tears. It is a terrible position to be in, I know from experience. If you stick to your schedule, college will be the best years of your life and you will end up saving some years of your life but reducing stress!


-Chandler Palmieri Bryant University Class of 2017

Meet MSI Spring Intern Tori Pollock


College: Bryant University

Graduation Year: 2017

Major: Human Resource Management

Minor: Communication

Internship:  Management Search Inc.

Account Executive Intern

All about Tori:

Tori is a transfer student who originally went to Southern Connecticut State University as an accounting major. She switched majors because she realized she likes to use interpersonal skills and the detail oriented side of business. On campus, she is part of the Bryant Singers, Relay for Life as a committee member and team captain as well as the Business Fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi. She really enjoys spending time with family, including her golden retriever, Marley.

Where does Tori get her motivation to succeed?

Tori gets her motivation from a friend she had lost. By remembering her, she does everything she can to make the most of all the time she has here.

Which destination or event has shaped who you are in life today?

Her time in Adirondack, New York has shaped Tori the most. Her family has a house there and there is no cell service which has helped her not be reliant on technology. The time spent there with her family has shaped her as well. This has specifically helped shape her family values. During her time in Adirondack, she has developed a love for hiking.

What are Tori’s future career goals?

Although Tori has in interest in HR Management, she wants to continue developing her skills and continue to learn wherever she does end up. Growth opportunity is important to Tori whether it is with just one company or with multiple companies.

During her off time, she enjoys:

Spending time with friends for sure, singing, hiking, and volunteering for Relay for Life.

Current Netflix Series?


What is Tori’s dream car?

Maroon Jeep Wrangler

What is the most exciting destination Tori has ever traveled to?

St. John, Virgin Islands

What is the one place Tori wants to travel in your lifetime?

Tori would love to travel to Ireland because of the open space and beautiful scenery and “touristy” places.

What is Tori’s favorite Rhode Island destination?

Milkshake place YUM!

Why did Tori choose to intern at MSI?

Tori chose MSI after meeting Tony at a SHRM/DSP speaking event about interviewing. She had DSP brothers who have interned with MSI who explained what the internship entailed. After talking to them, MSI seemed like a great opportunity to get hands on experience in a potential career field.

What are some daily responsibilities in the intern role?

For Tori, each day is different. She is involved in the candidate search through the candidate preparation. She also creates blog posts and social media content for MSI’s different platforms.

What skills does Tori hope to learn?

By the end of her time at MSI, Tori wants to be able to interview someone professionally and improve her candidate searching skills. She also wants t0 embody the confidence of being an HR professional and see if recruiting is the right fit.

If Tori could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would it be and why?

Tori would have dinner with her friend Catherine who passed away to see how she’s doing and just reconnect.

What is Tori’s favorite sports team?

The Boston Bruins

What was the last restaurant Tori ate at?

Olive Garden – Yum again!

What is Tori’s favorite social media platform and why?

Tori really enjoys Instagram because it’s like her own little scrap book.

What was the last place Tori traveled to?

Tori was recently in Okemo, Vermont for New Years. She was able to see family and ride mountain coaster which was the highlight of her trip.

Advice to Undergraduates:

“Utilize places on campus to help the intern/job search. Talk to your professors because they have tons of experience and connections. Be sure to work hard and keep up your grades because they really do matter. Get involved on campus because you gain valuable experience and things to talk about in an interview.”

WWDD? (What Would Dad Do)

Now that I am in my junior dadandkassi2year of college and beginning to enter the job market I often find myself asking, what would dad do? My Father is a very successful Managing Director at Barnum Financial Group.  Over the past couple of years, I have had the good fortune of interning in the same financial firm as him, and I have come to realize, that I never really knew what he did at all. I always knew he was successful because my family has been very fortunate, but I do not think I really understood until now what it means to be successful.

Growing up, my dad always preached “life lessons” to me.  I never really listened, and never really thought much about the importance of what he was saying.  It was not until recently, that all of the lessons he taught me for my whole life began to resonate in my mind.

It was while I was working in the same office as him, that I came to the realization that all of the lessons that my dad has been telling me repeatedly as I grew up are essential to how he lives his life. These lessons are what helps to define his success and by following these lessons, I can be the successful businesswoman I want to be.  Below are the 10 lessons I have learned through the years that have been the most crucial to my life.

  1. Be confident and self-reliant

“Be confident and self-reliant” is something my dad has told me continuously as I grew up.  Sure, I listened, and when he asked me to repeat it I did, but to me it was just words.  It was not until recently that this saying came full circle, and I realized all that I could accomplish if I just had confidence and did things for myself. This year I landed two internships, and an executive board position in my sorority, and I would not have been able to do that without the confidence I have in myself.

  1. Be friendly and always say hi

Even when you are having a bad day, it is important to put on a “happy face” and be kind to everyone.  Just saying hello as you pass by people in the hallway can make tremendous impact on someone’s day. If you are friendly to everyone, it will resonate in their mind, and will help them to see you in a positive light and make their day.

  1. Be hardworking

My dad is a perfect example of how much hard work pays off.  I have seen him work his hardworkimagebutt off for his colleagues, and for his family. If you need to stay late at work to finish a project, do not leave at 5:00, or if you need to go in early because your boss needs you, just do it. Watching my dad follow this work ethic each day, has inspired me to work as hard as I can.

  1. Family is always the most important

Put family above everything else. My parents have been married for 25 years, and they never forget to make time for each other and our family no matter what is going on in life.  No matter how busy, or how stressful, the day was make sure you come home for some quality family time.

  1. Form long term relationships with people

If you ask anyone at Barnum Financial Group if they knew Joe LoPresti, I can almost guarantee you that, they could not say enough good things about him.  Be the person who will build a relationship with everyone and anyone. Building relationships is the number one key to his success, and I will never forget that.

  1. It is okay to have failures

This is a tough for me to swallow because I do not enjoy failing.  Although I try not to do it too often, failures are moments for me to pause and reflect.They are learning experiences and motivation to do better next time.

  1. Be on time

Five minutes early is on time, on time is late. Being late gives you a certain reputation with people that you do not want, and it gives off the vibe that you do not care enough to be on time.  Every time I go to work, class, or even an interview I am always at least five minutes early.

  1. Be generous

There are people who are less fortunate and it is important to recognize this and act on it.give-back  Try to help people in every way you can, whether it be devoting my time, or donating money.  Being generous can help to better your community, and that can really make an impact on your life.

  1. Follow your dreams

It is important to remember that it is much easier to put 110% into what you are doing when you are following your passion and your dreams.  Never let anyone tell you that you cannot achieve your dreams.


This is definitely the most important lesson he taught me. Success is not about the paycheck, but how you choose to lead your life.  Recognize that success is all around you.   Success is in those who work hard to reach individual goals.  Success is in the way people view you as a personable leader. Success most importantly lies within you.  At the end of the day, I know that if I am leading a life that I am happy with than I am successful.

These lessons shape who I am today, and who I want to be as a businesswoman.  All I can hope for as I think about starting my career in the next couple of years, is that I live out these lessons to the fullest of my ability.  I am eternally grateful that I have had my dad to show me the ropes of how to be successful in the business world.  His lessons are not only ones that I will use in my career, but also ones that I will live my life by.


-Kassi LoPresti Bryant University Class of2018

Meet MSI Spring Intern Chandler Palmieri


College: Bryant Universitychandler

Graduation Year: 2017

Major: Marketing

Minor: Communications

Internship:  Management Search Inc.

Marketing Intern


All about Chandler:

Chandler is a senior at Bryant, and is heavily involved in her sorority Alpha Omicron Pi, as well as the co-ed business fraternity Pi Sigma Epsilon. She is also the program director for the radio station on campus, WJMF.

Where does Chandler get her motivation to succeed?

She keeps in mind the lifestyle that she wants to live. Her family has impacted her a lot and they’ve shown her that nothing is handed to you, the harder you work the better the outcome.

Which destination or event has shaped who she is in life today?

Chandler believes her involvement in her sorority has shaped her, she’s grown and figured out who she is as an individual and where she’s headed in life. She’s had many leadership opportunities where she has to step outside her comfort zone.

What are her future career goals?

Chandler would LOVE to be famous, but most importantly she wants to make an impact and help others grow, emotionally or professionally. Her goal is to help wherever she can.

During her off time, she enjoys:

Spending time on Pinterest, she’s also an adrenaline junkie and enjoys jet skiing, snow skiing, and snowboarding.

What is she currently watching on Netflix?

Person of Interest, because it’s awesome!

Dream car?

All Black G-Wagon.

Where is most exciting destination Chandler has ever traveled to?

Greece – for a trip with her high school.

Where is the one place Chandler wants to travel in her lifetime?

Italy, so she can reconnect with family who live there.

What is Chandler’s favorite Rhode Island destination?

Newport Beach

Why did Chandler choose to intern at MSI?

Chandler previously worked on a semester long project with the team at MSI and met Tony through his involvement with her business fraternity.  This internship will provide her the opportunity to continue developing her social media skills, while getting an introduction to human resources and increasing her professional network.

What are some daily responsibilities in the intern role?

She creates the social media content calendar – finding content that keeps up with what MSI’s competitors are doing digitally, researching and sourcing candidates for current searches on a national scale.  Participating in the candidate vetting process to include, prepping for interview, candidate and client debriefs and working with the MSI team to enhance their digital marketing presence.

What skills does Chandler hope to learn?

Chandler enjoys learning about the recruiting side of business even though she is MSI’s marketing intern. She believes recruiting may be what she decides to do after graduation.

If she could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Ellen DeGeneres, she’s a great person and she’d love to laugh with her.

What’s her favorite sports team?

Her 16-U fastpitch travel softball team.  She traveled throughout the region participating in weekend tournaments.

What was the last restaurant she ate at?


What is her favorite social media platform, why?

Besides Pinterest, Snapchat because she loves the filters.

What was the last place she traveled to?

North Carolina for a PSE conference

Advice to Undergraduates:

“Make the most out of your time at school. Definitely get involved in whatever your passions are, I learned a lot by participating in extracurricular activities. If your school doesn’t offer what you’re passionate about, start the club on your own. Keep trying new things, specifically internship related, you truly don’t know what you like until you try it.”


Meet MSI Spring Intern Kaitlyn Durso

College: Bryant Universtiy15134808_10154248253416896_8138119643357609179_n-1

Graduation Year: 2017

Major: Management

Minor: Psychology

Internship:  Management Search Inc.

Account Executive Intern


All about Kaitlyn:

Kaitlyn is a senior Management major with a minor in Psychology at Bryant University and is a member of the Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority.  During her time as an undergraduate, she served as the Sisterhood, Social and Honors Council chair, as well as on the slating committee for her sorority.  In addition to Sigma Sigma Sigma she was the VP of Scholarship for the Panhellenic Council as well as the men’s basketball manager.

Where does Kaitlyn get her motivation to succeed?

Kaitlyn gets her motivation to succeed from the type of lifestyle she would like have in the future with family and traveling.  She believes that her happiness in life will come from the feeling that she has succeeded.

Which destination or event has shaped who you are in life today?

Studying abroad in Florence helped Kaitlyn to learn and develop as a person. She had to learn how to do many things for herself.  For example when she got sick she went to the doctor, spoke what little Italian she knew, and was able to get the medicine she needed.  Kaitlyn has had the privilege to travel all around the world with her family.  However, because she was with them she never had to plan anything.  While she was abroad, she learned to plan trips, arrange the tours she wanted to go on, bought tickets for different events, and more. She was always a very independent person, but going abroad made her less dependent on my parents for the little things.

What are Kaitlyn’s future career goals?

Upon graduation this May, Kaitlyn hopes to pursue a career in either corporate event planning and marketing, or in the field of human resources.

During her off time, she enjoys:

Kaitlyn enjoys traveling and going to the beach.  She also loves to spend time with her family whether it be a day at the beach club, or a weekend in the mountains snowboarding.

What is Kaitlyn’s dream car?

Cadillac Escalade.

What is the most exciting destination Kaitlyn has ever traveled to?

The most exciting destination’s Kaitlyn has traveled to are Florence, Italy and Munich, Germany during Oktoberfest.

What is the one place Kaitlyn wants to travel in your lifetime?

Kaitlyn would love to travel to Bora Bora, or Tahiti to relax and spend time on the beach.  She would also love to travel to Denmark, Egypt and Ireland to travel and explore.

What is Kaitlyn’s favorite Rhode Island destination?

Newport, because she loves to see all the mansions.  In Newport, Kaitlyn finds it very peaceful to walk around the shops, or along the beach.

Why did Kaitlyn choose to intern at MSI?

After taking two HR classes at Bryant she felt that HR and recruiting could be a great fit for her and she wanted to get more hands on experience to see if she would like the field.  She spoke with her professor John Poirier and he gave her a lot of great insight on how helpful this internship would be.

What are some daily responsibilities in the intern role?

On a daily basis she researches different companies who are looking to hire new employees and then research individuals who are in that area and career path.  She also creates blog posts and update our social media.

What skills does Kaitlyn hope to learn hope to learn?

She hopes to learn more about a human resources and recruiting career to see if this is the best fit for her upon graduation.

Advice to Undergraduates:

“Searching for internships and jobs can be very difficult and stressful.  My advice would be to not settle or give up on the search, because you want to gain the most experience you can and ultimately enjoy the work you are doing.  Use all of your resources like the Amica Center, different websites like Indeed.com, Monster.com, etc., talk to students that have held internships in your major, talk to professors, and use Bryant’s alumni.  It may seem strange to reach out to alumni via LinkedIn, however, they are there to help in whatever way they can.”


Meet MSI Spring Intern Kassi LoPresti

College: Bryant Universitykassi

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Human Resources

Minor: Psychology and Communications

Internship: Management Search Inc.

Account Executive Intern


All about Kassi:

Kassi is a junior at Bryant University majoring in Human Resources and double minoring in Psychology and Communications.  She is the Vice President of Programming for her sorority Delta Zeta, and previously held the position as the Vice President of New Member Education, she is the Recruitment and Retention Chair for Colleges Against Cancer, and on the Relay for Life committee.

Where does Kassi get her motivation to succeed?

Kassi gets her motivation to succeed from her parents.  Her dad has been extremely successful in business.  Both of her parents have been very successful in raising a happy and healthy family.  Seeing her parent’s success is what motivates her to succeed in her professional and personal career.

Which destination or event has most shaped who you are in life today?

Moving from a small town in Connecticut, which was completely sheltered, to Bryant University has changed Kassi because it has enabled her to expand her knowledge of diversity and has pushed her to see and take advantage of all the possible opportunities for her future.

What are Kassi’s future career goals?

She hopes to work in HR or recruiting for a financial company.  This summer she will be interning in the HR department for Liberty Mutual.

Why did Kassi choose to intern at MSI?

Kassi chose to intern at MSI, because of all of the great feedback she heard from past interns, as well as the staff at Bryant. She knew that MSI would provide her with hands on experience in the field of recruiting, which is what she hopes to pursue in her future career.

What are some of her responsibilities at MSI?

Some of her responsibilities include sourcing candidates, writing blog posts, updating social media pages and writing press releases.

What skills do you hope to learn from this opportunity; professionally and personally?

From this internship, Kassi hopes to gain further experience in professional speaking and writing.  She hopes to build her skills in interviewing and sourcing candidates as well.

How did she hear about this internship?

Kassi found out about this internship through John Poirier, a professor in the HR department at Bryant.  She then wen to the Bryant Career Connections page, found the internship posting and applied for the internship.

During Kassi’s off time, she is most passionate about..

Kassi loves spending time with her friends and family.  Whether it be skiing in Vermont, lying on the beach in the Outer Banks, NC (her family’s favorite vacation destination), or any other times with her family and friends, Kassi is the best version of herself.

 What is her dream car?

White BMW X5

What is the most exciting destination Kassi has ever traveled?

Through Bryant University’s Sophomore International Experience, Kassi was able to travel to Prague, Czech Republic and Budapest, Hungary.

Where is the one place she would want to travel in her lifetime?

Kassi would love to travel to Florence, Italy.  Her parents have been there before and believe it is a perfect fit for Kassi, plus who doesn’t love Italian food?

What is her favorite Rhode Island Destination?

Her favorite place in Rhode Island is Federal Hill in Providence, because of all the Italian restaurants, and the environment of the outdoor square in the summer…it is a truly remarkable area in Providence.


Phone Off, Game Face On

Look Up and Look Around

Engaging and absorbing your environment is a part of everyday life,
whether you’re patiently waiting to start your job interview or you’re playing
catch with your best friend in the middle of a summer day, you’re always observtextinging the world around you. You are taking in a breath of fresh air and the sounds of the children laughing nearby; nothing can grab your attention away right now. Then, you hear a sort of buzzing noise, you slide your hand into your pocket and reach for your phone and your attention to the world around you quickly turns off. You are now in a world of your own in this small device that seems to control what you think, how you think, and when you think it. This device takes all the attention off the pavement you’re walking on and the ball you’re supposed to be catching and makes you unaware of the environment around you. This might be okay if you are in a social situation, but it is not acceptable in a professional environment.

There are hundreds of articles about people who take their phones out while they are in the waiting room of a job interview. Nowadays, people cannot leave their house without a cellphone. It is used for protection, for awkward situations, for entertainment, and to pass the time. Our eyes are glued to our phones whether we are with friends, with family or even in a professional setting. If you want to put your best foot forward, especially in an interview, ignore the urge to grab your phone and scroll through your Facebook Newsfeed. The inability to take your eyes off of your phone can make you seem obsessed and easily distracted. People who are taking out their phone while waiting for their interviewer are killing their first impression. Put the phone away! There are so many other things you can do to prevent the urge to stare at the device in your pocket: When waiting for your interview, for example:

  1. Practice the answers to your potential interview questions or questions about the  company in your head.
  2. Look around the office and understand the company culture. Analyze the environment and the people walking in and around the office. Are there any awards or recognition certificates on the wall?
  3. Talk to the receptionist. Ask them how their day is going (and always be polite to them!)
  4. Generate potential questions for the end of the interview.

look-upOverall, we are taking too much time away from more important things like conversing with new faces and catching up with family members. We are spending more time looking into the face of our phone than to the face of our aging parents and grandparents. We are missing the world around us while trying not to miss all the drama happening on our favorite social networking website. We need to stop bringing out the phone, especially in professional environments. We need to turn the phone off, leave it in the car, direct the calls to voicemail, or tell people the time slot in which you are unavailable. We need to look up and look around at the world and soak up everything we see.

 The next time you catch yourself in an important situation with your phone in your hand, remember to put the phone down, turn the buzz off, look up and look around; you will be amazed at what you would have missed if you were looking at your cellphone.

Kristen Smith

Bryant University 2017


Break a Leg to Get Ahead

As a student who is currently enrolled at a university predominantly known for itmeme
s business program, I’ve noticed that the fine arts often go unnoticed by many staff and faculty members as well as the student body. I have also noticed that the small handful of fine arts clubs that are on campus are occupied by the same group of club members, which have become some of my closest friends. What many people don’t realize is how the fine arts, the performing arts in particular, actually can help enhance a student’s presence in the business world. If you can memorize dialogue, different songs and funny dances and then perform them in front of an audience full of your peers and complete strangers, then you should be able to easily survive an interview.

When giving a presentation, whether it’s for a class or for a job, confidence is the key to giving a successful display of the idea you are trying to get across. If you practice what you’re saying and believe in the words coming out of your mouth, you will give a great presentation worthy of Broadway. Being in my schools theater, chorus and improv groups, I am not afraid to say, sing or do anything, no matter how ridiculous, in front of an audience of 1 or 1000 because of my past experience in putting on a variety of plays and musicals.

Whenever I present, whether it’s for biology, business, or a research project on sexual assault, I am confident because I have taken the time to prepare and I believe what I am talking about. If I do by chance screw up or forget something I have the improv skills to bring it back to where it should be without missing a beat. Improv is a great skill to have especially when going for an interview. When you’re doing any kind of improv, you need to think fast because you have no idea what’s coming next and you need to be ready to give an answer without sounding too stupid. A lot of interviewers like to throw curveballs and as the interviewee you need to be able to come up with an eloquent answer instead of spending a minute or two racking your brain trying to answer the question.
I rarely ushand-jivee index cards for presentations because I’m so used to being on stage where I can’t be looking down at my script for the words while also trying to hand jive. If you use index cards while presenting you will often catch yourself looking down at them for every other word instead of relying on your knowledge that you have obtained by researching and studying the material you are presenting on. Preparing for a presentation and relying on your knowledge will help you even after you finish that group presentation for Economics that you put together with “Google Slides.” Preparation helps relieve stress later on because it eliminates the worry of not knowing what you need to do or say. This will help you relax so you can but your best foot forward instead of spending time trying to come up with an answer in order to make yourself sound intelligent while taking an unnecessarily long amount of time.

A lot of students who have trouble finding a job after college are show-bizafraid to put themselves out there. They’re shy, anxious, and afraid to step out of their comfort zone. Performing kicks you out of that comfort zone and locks the door. Just in the past few years I’ve portrayed: a twenty-something year old guy trying to find love online, an Italian, smartass high school student from 50’s, a raunchy old grandfather, a man selling bagels on the streets of Anatevka, and a poor man who lives on the streets of Paris during the French Revolution. Every show I’ve been in is so different from the last which helps me progress as an actor as well as build as a person. Making a phone call or walking up to a recruiter at a career fair is a lot easier when you’ve performed in front of a sold out auditorium.

The arts and sciences are just as important if not beneficial to the world of business, but society often separates them. Many people don’t think about how the vast amount of time, effort, blood, sweat and tears that goes into putting on a good show makes a fantastic work ethic that can be carried over into the business world. When given the opportunity to hire somebody with a background in a more creative discipline, step out of the comfort zone that you’ve set for your company. Members of the fine arts community can bring new views that business centered people may not see. In a group of left brained people following the logical path, a single right brained vigilante can help a company flourish.


Michael Criscuolo

Bryant University 2019

21 and $200k in Debt

But it will all be worth it…

Being born in the 90’s is glamorized by the media in 2016. We had all the good television shows, all the great fashion statements, and we even had the best pop singers and boy bands of all time, (Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys). We saw the end of the CD generation and the start of the iPhone and Smartphone generation and everything around us was quickly changing and adapting to our technology-obsessed world. One thing that never changed for us for as long as I can remember is the whole concept of going to college after high school. In kindergarten, I knew I had to go to school until I graduated high school; and since I wanted to become a teacher, I had to further my education after that. Going away to a four year college was always in my plan and my friends’ plans as well.

Just like any high school senior, I started college searching and attending many tours in the fall of 2012. By this time, I grew out of the dream of becoming a teacher and picked up an interest in becoming a business student. I checked out all the business schools in the area and did not even think to look at the prices. My priorities at 17 were: 1. Get out of my hometown, (maybe out of state, but not too far). 2. Live on my own and meet new people. 3. Live on a pretty campus.

I was only 17 at the time and my mind was not focused on how much money I am going to pay on student loans six months after I graduate. My mind was more focused on getting into the best school I can, doing the best I can in that school, and getting a great job out of it. My friends were all going away to college. Some were going across the country, and some were going a couple states away. I knew I had to go away to a four year college and I had no desire to go to a community college for the first couple of years.

While running for President, Governor John Kasich visited Bryant University and spoke in front of hundreds of students, faculty, and people of the Smithfield community. The speech was powerful until he made a negative remark about financial aid while telling the students at Bryant University that we should have attended a community college before coming to this amazing, but costly school. I was infuriated because not only did he blame us for choosing to go away for our freshman year, but he did not give anyone a chance to explain why people did not attend a community college prior to a four year institution. You can’t tell a 17 year old where or where not to go to college. Some 17 year olds choose to go away to college and some choose to go to a community college to figure out what they want to do. Stress is filling the teenager’s mind during this important milestone and advice is being thrown around everywhere.

So, next time someone brings up high tuition costs or college tips, I suggest to listen to their advice but always do what you want to do. You will have to learn to make your own decisions and you have to be able to deal with them throughout your life. College will absolutely benefit in the long run. After all the stress and the long days of writing papers and studying for tests. There will be sleepless nights and tears and paychecks that turn into student loan checks but eventually, those decisions made at 17 will all be worth it!

Kristen Smith

Bryant University 2017

Make That First Impression Last Longer Than the Blink of an Eye

From as far back as I can remember, I recall being told the importance of a first impression.  Back then, it was about being respectful to new teammates and portraying good sportsmanship to opposing teams.  As I grew older, and high school came around, it was the first impression you had on teachers and new classmates which firstwould affect how you were viewed in school.  Now, as I make my way through college at Bryant University and get ready to make it out in the business world, I find that first impressions have become immensely more important.  Whether it is new professors, networking events and career fairs or interviews, a first impression can go a long way.  The phenomenon of a first impression and the factors involved are so interesting in how they can manipulate someone’s outlook on you.  Even more intriguing is how one person’s view from a first impression of you could be entirely different from someone else’s first impression of you.  Making a good first impression on someone not only has profound benefits on your personal life, but is also beneficial in building your career.

As a student studying the field of Human Resource Management, I wanted to tailor my learning experience to tie together and help me understand HR even more.  To do so, I chose to double minor in Communications and Psychology, which I have found to be immensely beneficial in learning how people think and work   According to a 2014 study at the University of York, impressions of a person’s approachability and dominance can be made within the first 100 milliseconds.  Before you even have a chance to speak, the person you are meeting has already had the chance to analyze your posture and how you carry yourself, your facial expressions and how you are dressed at 6e842fbcd86c233bc4d17c5b27cefa99the time they are meeting you.  First impressions are quickly formed and long lasting, the longer amount of time for the first impression, the more confident and stable the impression will be.  An interviewer can have made their mind up within two seconds of seeing someone as to whether or not they want to hire them, possibly excelling their career forward or becoming another road block in the way.  What first impressions come down to can be instinctual and alter our outlook on people instantaneously and that is what makes them so important.  What is so interesting about these situations is that they are highly dependent on the various factors that could skew the accuracy of the impression.  Some factors include age, gender, physical appearance, posture, voice, number of people present, and time allowed to process.  These factors are deemed especially important within the business world especially when trying to find a job.

With a combination of learning Communications, Psychology and HR at school, I am also discovering more and more things about first impressions during my time here at MSI.  Learning the breakdown of a first impression has opened my eyes to be more aware of how I present myself in a first impression situation.  It is said that you should dress for the job you want, not the job you have.  This is directly related to establishing the first impression on your interviewer because even before you speak they will analyze you.  Non-verbal cues such as level of eye contact and firmness of the handshake upon greeting someone will be taken into consideration as well.  Posture and tone of voice during an interview are absolutely key, they depict the level of interest one may have for the interview/job.  Understanding tone of voice is important in a first impression because it will either enhance or diminish the impression someone has made already.  In addition to these non-verbal cues, researching the firstimpression_aloneorganization and interviewer beforehand, having prepared questions and portraying confidence can all go a long way in a first impression by showing the interviewer you care about this opportunity and will go the extra mile.  These extra things can help mend a sour first impression or just add onto an already positive outlook.
Being aware of these factors that come into play is so helpful, because it allows you to be able to control them and use them in your favor.


First impressions will always be important and will occur constantly throughout our lives, so what kind of first impression will you make?  Being able to understand
what is in a first impression can have countless benefits whether seen or unseen.  Whether you are going into an interview or one day will be conducting interviews, it is
important to be able to decipher and analyze people’s non-verbal cues in order to get the best impression you can on them.  Knowing these factors and the importance of a first impression will get you far, because you don’t want your first impression to be the only impression you make.

Alex Madoian

Bryant 2017

Have You Learned Your 3 “C’s” Today!

Have You Learned Your 3 “C’s” Today!

Leadership takes courage, competence and confidence is what I learned in my military career. In high school, one of my teachers used to always tell me that I had to get leadership skills which I used to just laugh  off because as a student I just wanted to make sure my group projects were done in a timely fashion and right, without too much thought. I would have been happy take a leadership role if for no other reason to make sure everyone did their work in group projects. During my selfish school time, I never understood what leadership meant until I joined the military because in Basic Training it was one of the many things  that were taught and reinforced throughout my military career. At times, I questioned my U.S. Navy Supervisor who once said that being a leader was about making a decision that was difficult because you had to put work first, then a friendship for the well-being of the ship’s crew.

It was during my military career, that I learned how to be more confident with myself which has  helped me enhance my leadership skills because I tended  to be in my comfort zone and did not do anything unless I had to do it or was told do it. However, I learned quickly that this is not the way to go if I wanted to succeed in life. I decided to get more involved, eager to learn new things and help others when they needed help. Also, some of the military training and exercises required me to be confident because of the dangerous work I performed. In addition to being confident I had to be proficient in my job duties because I had to ensure the safety of myself and others. Learning these skillsleader
increased my responsibilities in my military career as well as my leadership role in my division. Once I received a leadership role I began to understand everything. I learned, because I had responsibilities and others relied on me. I had to be a leader, not just a supervisor because my shipmates were looking up to me to guide them. I could have easily just told them what to do like another supervisor, but I wanted to be different and work with them. Learning those skills in the military was helpful to me because I was able to improve my leadership skills, and become a better person.

Leaving the military was a new challenge for me because I had to translate my military leadership and experience into the civilian world. One thing that I questioned was if my leadership skills had any relation to the civilian leadership. It turns out that they are veryleader similar, but one has to have a different approach because of the different culture. Learning how to distinguish the two was a challenge because I went into the military
straight out of high school, the only thing I knew was my military lifestyle and the civilian lifestyle was very different. The leadership aspect was different because I was used to one group of people and had their respect that I earned. Now I had to start from the beginning, I always kept in my mind those words learned long ago in Basic Training, be confident, competent and always have courage. You one never know what is going to happen next.

Now, that I have been out of the US Navy for several years I still have the same leadership skills I learned in my military career and they still are in place in my civilian career. Courage is energy that keeps me doing the right thing, even when its feels scary or difficult. Competence is my ability to make decisions and execute. Confidence is the foundation of my character.

“A true leader has confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and patience to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader but becomes one by the quality of his actions and integrity of his intention.” – Douglas McArthur

Do you have the courage, competence and confidence to be a leader today?

Salud Woodhead

Bryant University Class of 2017

4th and Goal With the Game on the Line: Will They Turn to YOU?

For the last 16 years of my life I haven’t experienced a fall without football.  With the end of my career in sight, and the New York Giants not knocking on my door, it is time for me to look back at what lessons and valuable tools this incredible game has taught me over time.  I believe football has shaped me to become who I am today and that I am better because of it.  The memories of incredible games and grueling practices will always be there, but it is the lessons and skills I learned that will stick with me for a lifetime.e1607536d7b86ef30acf6d74ef0e5be6  The skills and lessons that I found most prevalent in my years of football were in leadership.  Leadership, is something many people are naturally born with and it may come easy to them.  Now, there is a difference between a leader and a manager, but both need to be efficient and effective with their leadership skills.  I believe in some ways that I am a natural born leader, but football helped me to open my eyes as to what true leadership is about and what it takes to be a great leader.  Now you may ask, if I’ve never played football how does this relate to me?  Well, it is the principles of leadership and management in football that anyone and everyone can understand in the business world and that I took away from my experiences in the game.

As a Human Resources Management major, I strive to learn all that I can about leadership and team building and I believe that all managers should educate themselves as to what it takes to be a great leader.  One major connection between leadership and football, is that in order for you and the others around you to grow, you must be comfortable with being uncomfortable.  This is pushing yourself beyond your limits and breaking out of your comfort zone.  As a leader, helping your employees push past their comfort zone not only helps them to grow but can also propel your business forward.  A team that has shared adversity and can feel comfortable being uncomfortable together is a team that cannot be beat.  They have a stronger connection with each other due to the pressures they have faced together.  Taking that principle into the business world can only mean success in an extremely competitive global market.

Change-Leadership  I have found throughout my football life that talent is very valuable, the best players play and often help the team succeed to a certain extent.  While talent is needed to a degree, it is great leadership and teamwork that enable reliable performances at the highest level possible.  I have been on teams with one or two outstanding players but have lost every game; this goes to show that without a well led cohesive unit, great things cannot be accomplished.   Those individuals who can bring a team together while focusing on their employees best interests as well as the interests of their organizations will achieve a championship season.

The last lesson that I will surely take away with me after I leave football is one that I wish I knew a long time ago.  You don’t rise to the occasion, you fall back on your training.  As a great leader, one should help their employees to follow and understand such a motto because of what it does for their own personal performance.  When crunch time comes, and someone is on the big stage, (whatever it may be), they will not just suddenly be prepared, it is what they have been taught by their leader and how they have prepared that will make them successful.

6618fa80d350ebe3090faea447d04553By helping employees break past their comfort zone and showing them that you care for their personal growth, you will encourage them to want to work harder.  A strong team can accomplish anything they put their mind to if they are led by someone who knows how to maximize the talent that they have by pushing the team past their comfort zone and excelling them forward.  What will you do to become the most effective leader possible?  I know that when I do eventually lead that I will use the lessons and skills I have learned throughout my football career to most effectively bring my team to the next level.  Managers and leaders can be found everywhere, but great and effective leaders come scarce.


Alex Madoian

Bryant University Class of 2017


The Untraveled Road

“It’s a hard thing to leave any deeply routine life” –John Steinbeckimages.jpg

My life has always been structured in a predictable fashion. When I was younger, it began with baseball practice, my days were set in stone. The bus came at 9:00 AM, I would come home get changed for practice, be at practice for 5:00 PM and in my free time, I would be stuffing my face with any kind of food to fuel my constant activity. This structure stayed the same as I grew up, the sport changed from baseball, to football and basketball, depending on the season, but the routine of my life stayed the same. Even as my high school sports career began I soon realized that routine was always a fixed part of my life. When I started attending college, I expected change, but the routine continued, wake up at 5:30 AM, workout at 6:00 AM practice at 7:30 AM go to class at 10:00 AM leave for work to be there for 12:00 PM, go to academic and athletic meetings at 5:30 PM, work on homework at 7:00 PM, get to, sleep by 11:00 PM (on a good night), repeat. The time of life when you are supposed to be making your own decisions and enjoying your first taste of freedom, does not seem so free.


So what should I expect when this never-ending routine and structure is no longer there? Should I be frightened that once I no longer have this routine I can’t handle the real world? This new chapter is right around the corner and for the first time in my life, I have no idea what to expect when I am finally free. The best suggestion I have received is, “be open to the unexpected and enjoy it all.” This quote is the complete opposite of the life I currently live. Honestly, it made me slightly anxious when I heard it, as I broke down this phrase in my head, it made me realize, nothing is wrong with having a schedule, but being able to adapt and change current plans is necessary. In order to succeed, you need to take the untraveled road, break away from what you know and allow yourself to adapt, because that untraveled road provides you an opportunity. That you can only find out what when you travel down that path.default

Adventure is what life is all about and the routines of my early life provided me the skills such as work ethic and time management to excel once I gain that autonomy of freedom in my life. When those daily schedules no longer exist, I will be waiting for those unexpected events, and I cannot wait for what they have in store for me. That unexpected change can and will happen, but I am prepared and will enjoy the journey that life puts me on.



Andrew Barton

Bryant University Class of 2017

Internship of All Internships

It all started on a rainy day during the middle of football season. A teammate and I walk to a Bryant University student SHRM meeting forgetting who was scheduled to speak with us after a hard practice. We both walk in and in front of us is Tony Pivirotto. As Tony began speaking with the ten SHRM members present at the meeting he discussed the internship program that his company, MSI, offers. My mind quickly thinks of the worst possible internship, filing and sorting important documents alone in a room with no windows, but to my surprise Tony describes an incredibly in depth and educational internship opportunity.


Tony’s description of the internship sounded perfect to a young HR student. This verbal description eventually, led to my applying for the spring internship position at MSI. As I began working at MSI I realized that there was so much more to this position than what Tony described. As the weeks went on, constant meetings with Tony occur, and my search for a good summer internship begins. While I conduct research on companies, submit my resume, and begin to have interviews with various organizations, I have an epiphany. Every moment working at MSI, has allowed me to gain a basic understanding of the concepts and processes of recruiting and the necessary steps involved in it.


As I do my research, and ask other Bryant students who have had internships I hear the horror stories about miserable internships. They tell me how they were provided busy work which gave them no real world work experience at all besides a company name to put on a resume. So why is having a good internship important? What is the difference between a good internship and a bad one?

In the various interviews I have been on, I am asked, “What have you been working on at your current internship?” They expect a generic response of, “I have been filing papers and doing data entry.” Little do they know that I have an ace up my sleeve.




The ace is the foundation that MSI has provided me. I have done research for various searches ranging from manufacturing to HR positions in multiple industries. This provided me the building block and entry point where MSI has begun construction for my future. After I have found qualified candidates, which took multiple tries the first time, I went on to the next step of the process, the cold recruiting calls. For these I utilized databases and other resources to find phone numbers connected to the qualified candidate and then listened to various recruiters pitch the job. This process allowed me to learn the nuances of cold calling and the knowledge of the position I was doing the search for. Gaining more exposure to the skills and experiences, I was allowed to help interview a candidate. In these interviews I broke down current responsibilities and areas of expertise, along with short term and long term career goals, as this was a key step in the candidate selection process. After the interview I was asked my opinion of the candidate and how I believed the interview went. This was an extremely exciting part of the process because as an intern I felt my input actually meant something that you do not usually see in other ordinary internships. Directly correlating with the interview was a formal candidate summary for the client. I was assigned a portion of this candidate summary based on my findings and beliefs of the candidate from the interview. This foundation of knowledge and experiences that MSI allowed me to gain are second to none and when someone interviews me and hears how involved and valued I was as an intern, they are shocked with the important pieces I was assigned.

This to me is where the MSI internship stands out. Tony and everyone has provided me with the foundation to succeed in the work force. They also gave me with real life projects that are important to the organization instead of busy work just to say that I interned with them. They had a trust in me that I would be able to complete this work to the best of my ability and that it will be satisfactory within the high standards of MSI. To have someone trust in you at such an early stage in your career is important to create the level of confidence needed to be successful in any field of study. That’s why having a good internship is important

So the question remains, how can you differentiate a good internship and a bad one? The answer can be pretty simple, good ones, provide an opportunity to gain valuable real world experience, while the bad ones, provide you with the experience of picking papers off of a printer and submitting files into folders for seven hours out of an eight hour day with the eighth hour being lunch. So how can you determine what the internship is like before you are working there? That is more difficult. This is where you have to be prepared by doing your research, and breaking down the job description posted and be willing to ask the right questions before, during, and after your interview with the company. For certain positions filing and sorting is inevitable, it comes with the job, but you do not want to have an internship where that is the majority of your day to day activity.



Try to find internships that discuss relevant aspects of your field of study. For my internship at MSI, Tony brought up terms such as recruiting, candidate summary reports, and maintaining a blog and twitter account. Tony also stressed the importance of utilizing my network, and leaving a legacy to help develop and prepare the future interns at MSI. He strongly suggested I contact Cam Sullivan, a former MSI intern and fellow athlete, to discuss what the internship was really like. Along with utilizing my network, Tony provided me a packet of letters from last semester’s interns and had a current intern, Catherine Campbell, interview me. This detailed process provided me realistic expectations of what MSI’s internship was like.


This information provided me guidelines and convinced me the standard at MSI was a commitment to excellence. MSI has taught me one of the most valuable lessons possible, never losing the ability to learn. An MSI internship is a stepping stone that propels you to your next chapter in life. So when looking for that internship, ask the tough questions, find out if that internship is the right fit or if they are just fluffing up the description to make it sound good on paper because in reality, it is your knowledge and experiences that will help you in an interview not the company’s name on a resume.

-Andrew Barton

Bryant University Class of 2017


The End Is Just The Beginning

“If I told you I’ve worked hard to get where I’m at, I’d be lying, because I have no idea where I am right now.” – Jarod Kintz.

On the first day at my internship at MSI, Tony had asked me to tweet a quote that meant something to me on the professional MSI twitter page. This was the quote that I actually wanted to tweet… but then thought to myself that it probably wasn’t the best first impression, so I chose a more fitting alternative.

Before entering the second semester of my senior year, I did a lot of thinking. It basically came down to the fact that I have no idea what I am doing, where I am, what’s next, or Gradwhere these past four years of my life had gone. It all simply came too quickly and is ending even quicker with graduation right around the corner. Every step of my life so far has been planned out to a “T.” I attended 18 years of school, but now what? This is the uncertainty aspect of it all. I know I’m supposed to get a job after graduation, but where do I want to work? Am I in the right field? A bachelor’s degree seems to be the equivalent of the previous high school diploma now a days, so do I continue my education? These are all questions I contemplate more than I would like to lately. I just have no idea what is going to happen next and my comfort zone is coming to an end. This realm of the unknown is overwhelming and absolutely terrifying.

However, as stated by the national center for education statistics, 20.2 million individuals were expected to attend college in the U.S. last year, my pity party needs to end. I’m not in this alone and am not the only person who is experiencing these feelings.

Looking back at who I was before college in comparison to who I am today is like night and day. From being so confident in every decision I made, thinking I knew exactly what I wanted, to looking back now and questioning why on earth I made all of those choices. For instance, the decision I made to paint my bedroom a bright, headache bearing, hot pink, or the decision to post that awkward selfie which I now can’t even look at without hating Worldmyself for it. In another 4 years I’ll probably look back at who I was as a 21 year old and see another significant difference with a whelm of regrets. Life is about growing and learning along the experience filled journey to shape this incredible person you are and finding your way. There will be so many regrets and mistakes, but also a wave of accomplishments and memories. The natural occurrence of fear shouldn’t bring you down; it should motivate you. The uncertainty of what is coming next shouldn’t be fearful; it should be alluring. If failure arises it will only make you stronger and doubting yourself will only make you weaker. Graduating college is just the beginning. Life has barely started and there are so many good things to come.

In the general scheme of things, I need to realize that it is going to be OK. It’s ok to not know exactly what’s happening or where I am going. The most satisfying things in life come unexpectedly. A job, a master’s degree, a family, a future…all of it will eventually fall into place. The good news is, “if plan ‘A’ doesn’t work, there’s 25 more letters in the alphabet…” -Claire Cook

Stephanie Beck; Roger Williams University 2016

Changing The Suit of Armor

As my final season approaches and I look back and see how far I have come, I am amazed. I started as a boy who just wanted to have fun and slowly transformed into a man who loved the game of football and all it has done for me. Everyone says that football is a great comparison to the real world, it provides you the things necessary to excel in life. As I am here writing this blog, I begin to realize that those parents and coaches were right, it really is the small things that can put you ahead in life.

cleatsI was taught from a young age that some things do not require talent, these traits and habits just take effort and practice. A few of them can give you that great first impression or once you have that job or internship, allow you to stick out among the rest of the employees and interns. The things that I believe translate the most from wearing my shoulder pads to tightening a tie are, accountability, being able to work on a team, being on time, and work ethic.

Accountability, to me this is one of the most important things to take away from football and bring to the workplace. Being able to take responsibility for your actions is prized whether you do something wrong or right. When you are wrong on a decision you made, being able to say, “I did that wrong, but this is how I would fix it,” shows a high level of maturity. It also shows that you want to get better and learn from your mistakes. When you make a mistake you understand that it was unacceptable and you were already trying to figure out how to fix it before your boss or superior told you about it.minion Having accountability is something that in football was necessary because if you were the one player who did not do their assignment correctly on a play the other ten players suffered. Accountability is the beginning of being a good teammate and being able to work on a football team is very difficult. You have roughly one hundred and twenty kids on a football roster, filled with different egos (good and bad), cultures, and regions of the country. This also resembles the workplace, although you may have less employees than a football roster you still have to deal with and work with all kinds of people from different walks of life. What better practice for this than being an athlete where you are forced to work with people you do not know, (at the start) to achieve this goal of winning? Being a good teammate is more important than just being able to work with others though, being able to understand the needs of individuals from different backgrounds is also important to being successful in the workplace. It allows you to help the group move forward instead of holding them back, which allows you to stay focused on the task at hand.

At every level of football I was always punished for being late. My coaches always preached that, “15 minutes early is on time and being on time means you are late.” This saying did not mean much to me when I was playing youth football until it started translating to my work life. As this habit of being on time was burned into me by countless hours of extra wind sprints because a teammate was late while that individual watched, it became clear. Being late does not hurt you, it hurts your teammates, and it hurts the people who got there early because they wanted to get started earlier or get in an extra rep of one thing or another. Being on time and being early is a must for me and translates to the real world because it allows you to be the ideal teammate and employee.

Intern Shwoing upon time

The most important thing I learned through my athletic career is work ethic. Work ethic is something that is all on you. The amount of work you put in is exactly what you get out of it. When you get to the field early or you show up to the office early to get started on a project, people notice. They gain a respect for you that previously was not there. When asked who they want to work with on a certain project they will pick you because they now that you will work as hard as you can to get the project completed on time with a high level of satisfaction. Your work ethic screams that you want to be successful and it all started from a game. A game that just so happened to teach you how to be the best possible teammate you can be.Working hard'

When you look into the mirror, and see the man or woman, that the sport you love has made you, you finally understand why they pushed you so hard. Coaches are more than just teaching us the skills of the game, they also teach us the basics of being successful in life. As I tighten my tie on a daily basis instead of throwing on sweat pants after a long morning workout I realize that accountability, being able to work on a team, being on time, and work ethic, are the traits that will allow me to be successful in my transition to the real world.

Tie                           Football


The Power of Being Aware


How did you get to the United States? How does it feel to grow up in an island? Do you people have malls over there? Are there highways? Did you learn English in Puerto Rico?  These are all questions I’ve been asked at some point in my life. To be honest, they make me feel ignored.

I have lived a very privileged life, and by privileged I do not mean “the advantage that wealthy and powerful people have over other people in a society” as defined by The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. I mean that I have had great opportunities as a result of my background. I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and I have had the pleasure of living in various countries including Costa Rica, Canada, and now the Unites States.  Living in all of these different places has made me understand how important it is to know about different cultures.

To know about different cultures is to be aware. It’s to know that there are other people with different backgrounds all around you.  Understanding this fact and taking advantage of it will make you a more successful person, because it will allows you to create better relationships with others around you and this is incredibly powerful. When you take the time to appreciate other cultures around you, it actually makes people from other parts of the world feel important instead of simply ignored.

When I meet someone that asks me if there are shopping malls on the island, I am annoyed. On the other hand, when another person knows about Puerto Rico’s current status and asks me a more insightful question, I immediately gain respect for that person. Furthermore, I am equally impressed by someone from a Latin American country that knows about the main issues Italy and Greece are facing today and can speak about these issues logically when they meet someone from those countries.

I’ve experienced the benefits of appreciating different cultures first hand. Last summer, I worked at PepsiCo as a sales representative. Initially, I was very successful in stores with Hispanic owners and unlucky in those with Asian or Indian owners. However, once I understood how you were supposed to act and speak with these owners depending on their culture, I was much more successful.  What I mean is that understanding different cultures will help me succeed in my career because I will be able to communicate and establish better relationships with people from different parts of the world when I know where they come from and how they themselves would act with someone from their country and culture.  I was blessed to be part of both the Puerto Rican and United States’ culture because it has helped me learn this important lesson.  I am excited to grow in my career and I know now that people from around the world, not just from Puerto Rico and the United States, will be a part of my whole experience, so it is up to me to learn about their cultures and make the most out of every interaction.

We live in a world in which business has become global, and it is up to you to make relationships and impress people and not to be a little fish in a huge ocean. For that reason, I advise you to make an effort to learn about different cultures and countries. I’m not asking you to know every single detail about every country, what I’m asking is for you to be intrigued. When you meet someone from a place you haven’t heard about, ask worthwhile and respectful questions, not basic ones that won’t teach you anything.  Be curious about the world because it has a lot to offer, and you will be able to find hidden treasures in every country and culture you visit and learn about.

Estefanía Vale Guerra

Bryant University, Class of 2016

Are You Imbalanced?

“Are You Imbalanced?”


Am I the only one who feels like I’m the busiest woman in the world and I never have time for myself at all? I’m constantly wishing the long day away and praying that the weekend comes just a little bit quicker this week. I find myself either in class, at my internship, working my on-campus job, or doing an enormous amount of homework that I just can’t escape from. By the time all of my work is finished for the day, I’m way too exhausted to do anything except crawl into my bed and curl up with my stuffed alligator, Pickle. When do I get time to just relax? How can I find time to get all of these responsibilities done and also do something fun for myself?

Work- life balance is something that almost everyone struggles with. I personally face this issue on a daily basis and some of my friends think I’m crazy for packing so much into a single day. However, the play is just as important to me as the work is; and being a college student means a lot more than just going to class every day. On top of school, you’re also expected to get awesome grades, go to work, and make sure you’re experiencing the social aspect of college as well. That’s a lot of things to check off of your list every day if you ask me!

The best advice that I could give anyone about work-life balance is to just make the time. I believe that when something is important enough to you, you will do it. If you prioritize your week and make a schedule of everything that needs to get done and stick to it, your stress levels will go down tremendously! When you’re creating this schedule for yourself, you have to figure in your social time as well. Even if it just for a half hour, leave yourself time to do something that you personally enjoy like reading or going to the gym. Make it just as much a priority as your homework. Maybe do a little extra homework on Wednesday so that you can go out and enjoy an evening with your friends on Thursday. You just have to try to move some things around in order to fit in the fun that you fantasize about during your dreaded 8 a.m. Monday morning class. With that being said, you also need to remember that it’s not always going to be balanced equally. There will be some weeks that you feel as if you have no homework to get done and other weeks you have three exams to study for. Unfortunately that’s just life and it’s not always fun or predictable.

Don’t look at your jam-packed schedule as something to be frustrated about. Look at your busy schedule and be thankful that you have so many things to do in a day. You may have a million things to complete but that also means you have a million things to be proud of! Doesn’t it feel amazing to finally finish that 10 page paper or get an A on an exam? Although parties are always fun, you will never get that same sense of accomplishment winning a beer pong game as you would landing that new job.

The greatest thing to do for yourself is just prioritize each task as it comes and enjoy your life. It really is too short to spend stressing about work or school. So don’t you dare forget to do something for yourself! Run your life, don’t let life run you!

~Alexis Luft, Bryant University ’16

Why Didn’t the Chicken Cross the Road?

Why Didn’t the Chicken Cross the Road?

“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Jumping into the business world is an incredibly scary thing. Especially when you’re a young, inexperienced 21 year old girl like me. Although I may just be an intern, working in an office setting is intimidating to say the least. I sometimes find myself lacking the confidence, or the courage, to work in an environment such as this because I am nervous that I will make a mistake or feel that I’m unsure of what I’m doing. However, I found that having confidence in whatever task it is that you are trying to accomplish, is one of the things that will actually make you most successful in the end.

Because of this realization, I have been trying my hardest to not get so nervous about making a mistake. Everyone makes one once in a while and you just have to be okay with that. If you mess up a little, it’s okay to try again. The first step to success and confidence is to stop doubting yourself. I feel like the initial thing everyone does is say that they can’t do something or that they don’t know how. I’m not really sure why everyone is so critical of themselves. Perhaps it’s because they would prefer to ridicule themselves rather than somebody else pointing out their mistakes to them. Well here’s what I think: don’t be a chicken. It is so easy to say that you can’t do something or that you don’t know how to do it, but you will never learn until you try; and you will never try if you’re being a chicken all the time. If you go into work with the right mindset and have a positive energy that radiates off of you like a fresh sunburn in July, you will be able to accomplish pretty much anything that you set your mind to. Most times, I find that I am more capable of doing something than I ever thought I could be. This self- acknowledgment is something everyone needs to do in order to grow and expand as both a person and as an employee in the business world.

I’ve also learned that you shouldn’t be afraid to try new things. This goes along with the simple idea of not being a big chicken. Life is all about new experiences. Sitting on the sidelines, too afraid to try anything foreign to you, will not help you build the confidence and poise that you will need to have in the real world. Besides, doesn’t actually being “in the game” sound more appealing than just sitting there watching everyone else do amazing things? I sure think so.

Being in my early twenties, this is the time for me to try new things and to take those risks. I have so many opportunities ahead of me and if I don’t take advantage of them now, I may never get the chance to again. From my own experience in jobs and in internships, I’ve learned that being young and naive can actually be an advantage, as surprising as that sounds. Everyone knows that when you’re young, you lack experience and everything is new to you. Therefore, you’re the first person that they want to help and guide so that you can do things to the best of your ability and also learn new things in the process. Just be confident in your capability to grow and adapt to new surroundings. Believe me, I know that facing the unfamiliar is truly one of the scariest things for someone to do. But, you will never grow as a person if you aren’t getting out of your comfort zone and creating new experiences for yourself. Remember, nobody is perfect and like I mentioned before, you may surprise yourself with how awesome you actually are. But, you will never know until you test your own limits.

I’ve learned that the more experience you gather, the more comfortable and confident you will be. Believe it or not, we all have our own strengths; including you! Try your best to leverage your strong suits and as a result, you will be able to improve upon your opportunities. Life isn’t always a walk in the park (it’s actually like trying to escape out of quick sand sometimes) but if you go into work with a positive, can-do attitude, you will be able to concur anything that is put in front of you! ..Except maybe quicksand. So take that first step today and build on your experience, try new things, and continue the well-deserved journey to a life full of confidence and success!

super chicken~ Alexis Luft, Bryant University ’16

Courage Doesn’t Always Roar…

Courage Doesn’t Always Roar…

“You are more than what you have become”

Mufasa to Simba – The Lion King

For many millennials the idea of interacting with business executives can be intimidating. My question is, “Why should we fear what many of us want to become?” In fact, I believe business executives should act more as mentors than anything else. Whether it has been a nerve-wracking interview or an experience where you felt belittled by a professional, many of us have had that intimidating feeling.

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Can you think of a job you’ve had when you truly believed your boss did not know how to do their job? Well, that may be a little extreme. Let me reword, can you think of a job you’ve had when you believed your boss did not know how to talk or work with people? I once worked in a restaurant and one night we were extremely short staffed in all areas. We were short a cook, a dishwasher, and even a couple of servers, you can imagine how chaotic things were. Well, one of my bosses decided it would be the perfect time to yell at the staff. I was tempted to say, “With all due respect we are all trying to do the best we can and yelling at us is not helping.” However, I was extremely intimidated and felt there was no way I could express myself. If I was going to saying anything it would have been in a respectful manner because I was addressing my boss. My question remains, why didn’t I have the courage to express myself? You have probably been in a similar situation to mine and if you have been then you are wondering what the fix is. [Well, if you keep reading I can’t promise you an answer, but I can promise you a lot of rhetorical questions and the opportunity gain some insight through my opinions.]
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So what do I think is the fix? What is the solution for millennials who struggle with effectively communicating to business executives? Put away the technology and build some confidence. I have this hypothesis that blames the 21st century lifestyle for the lack of confidence. Now, I use the word hypothesis because one of my professors recently brought to my attention that people misuse the word “theory” all the time. A theory is well-tested and widely accepted, therefore my hypothesis suggests that technology is diminishing many of our social skills. Don’t get me wrong, I think technology can be a great thing. I mean it has evolved our world in such amazing ways, but I do think it is taking away from traditional learning and not to mention precious moments.

I remember when I was a child, my cousins and I use to play outside for hours. We use to imagine grass was money and shrubs were stores. Of course we needed cars to get from store to store, so that’s what we used tree branches for. My point is we had an imagination that technology was not intruding upon. Millennials grew up with technology surrounding them, but we were not submerged quite like we are now. I go out to dinner with my friends and throughout the entire meal their eyes are glued to their phones. Whether they Blog Pic 3are checking social media or playing the latest game, it truly irritates me, it’s almost as if they forgot how to communicate without some sort of device in their hands.

So, is that the answer to communicating with business executives? In my opinion, it could be. At the very least, I think it is safe to say that these devices are reinventing our social skills and probably not for the better. Are we busy concerning ourselves with how many “likes” we have on our Instagram pictures or what the latest activity is on our Twitter timeline that we have forgotten the fundamentals of verbal communication? You may think this is a foolish thought, but how do we know for sure that these things do not subconsciously affect us in our everyday lives, especially our confidence.

Sometimes I wonder what the next generation will be like. You know, those children who are automatically born with phones in their hand. If some millennials are having trouble communicating with executives, how do we expect the next generation to become professionals? Can you imagine what the future will look like with all this technology?

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I would sum up my thoughts by saying having confidence is key when communicating with executives and because practice makes perfect put away your cell phones, tablets, laptops and all other devices and start verbally communicating with the people around you.

P.S. If all my advice fails you, you can always try posing like a superhero, which has been proven to increase confidence, right before an interview or asking your boss for a raise. It is more commonly known as “posing power.”

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~Angelica Cabral, Bryant University ’16

“Call Me, Tweet Me, If You Want To Reach Me”

As a millennial I am familiar with the different forms of communication that are available just from my cellphone; texting, calling, tweeting, messaging on Facebook, snap chatting, blogging, etc. There are a million ways to communicate with others with today’s expanding technology but what impact does this have on my relationship at work? I’ll be graduating in May and will be working full-time (eek!) for the first time in my life. The idea is both terrifying and exciting and with today’s technology I have the opportunity to mold my career into anything I can dream of. Millennials everywhere are starting down their career paths at the same time as companies are beginning to incorporate even more technology into their everyday businesses. The idea of telecommuting is a newer concept that has begun to expand into the daily life of businesses. It involves the increased use of technology such as video interfacing, webcasting, increased phone calls, e-mails and so much more. Millennials have got this in the bag, we are very in-tune to this type of technology since it has basically been in our hands since we were born and we have molded our lifestyles around this use to communicate with everyone humanly possible. Although we understand it very well, we probably have just as much trouble being professional with it, (#Selfies) as much as older generations have using it, to quote my boss “What’s a hashtag?” The problem is how to deal with this disconnect and incorporating it into a functional business setting.

8The choice to telecommute requires an understanding of communication through technology. There are certain forms that are inappropriate and there can be a lack of personal communication that is missed out on when corresponding with others through technology. Hopefully, most people understand that snap chatting, or taking a selfie, attaching words to it and sending to your boss asking “What’d you think about that article?” is not only very inappropriate but may get you fired! Technology can be tricky for some people, but it is vital to understand the social boundaries that each form of communication entails.


As a millennial who is going to be entering the workforce soon and setting down some roots in the near future it is nice to have the concept of telecommuting becoming more popular. If I could sit at home in my pajamas and still get work done 7 days a week I’d be one happy lady, but alas this isn’t an option as of 2015 (lets go innovators, help a girl out). Telecommuting also gives me a peace of mind when thinking about eventually establishing a place for myself. I want to be able to keep my family situated and be able to flourish in an environment of my choice, a.k.a. spending lots of time on the beach. I believe that many millennial and other generational groups are developing the savvy it takes to function as a member of a telecommuting team regardless of location or position. If I wanted to work for a company in Chicago but wanted a house in Rhode Island I see that situation becoming more possible each day. Our society is evolving to include technology into our lives more and more (#hoverboards, #selfiesticks, #hashtags). There is no telling where the tech world could propel us to in the next 10 years.

7The boss-employee relationship becomes different when working away from the office as well as having self-awareness when choosing the right form of communication, whether it is more appropriate for the individual to be contacted through e-mail, their cellphone, home phone etc., (I repeat, please do not snap chat your boss). Not all methods of telecommunication are a sincere replacement for face-to-face contact, important meetings with bosses and clients require a face-to-face interaction and are essential for establishing a foundation and building long-lasting relationships, no pajama days for you lazy bums (yet).

Telecommuting is cool and functional and provides companies and employees with many benefits. Technology does not have to be that bad! There are multiple options and solutions for business incorporating technology into their worlds and things such as hashtags can actually help you (#mycompanyrocks). Most individuals in the business world have the option to work from home at least part time, if not full time. I would love to say that this means its time for P.J. days but it’s shown that people who work from home get more done if they’re dressed as if they’re going into the office (L). Statistics show that workers who are able to telecommute are more likely to have better relationships with their partners and children. This in itself can provide an organization with a happy, satisfied employee that will stay in a company long term.


On the other side of the coin, telecommuting can be detrimental to your success as an employee if you are not aware of your presence in the workplace. Many employees who telecommute believe they have missed out on travel opportunities and promotions due to their lack of physical presence in the office. Make yourself known and stay connected to your workplace even if you are not there everyday. You should be physically in the office for important meetings as well as to talk to your boss and coworkers on a consistent basis: Call them! Go hang out! Go to lunch! Just be there. Maintaining the flow of information by communicating with other workers is essential for improving yourself, your quality of work, and establishing a presence for yourself in the office. (Water cooler gossip is real). Not only should you be concerned with your boss and coworkers’ opinions of you, your customers both internal and external will be concerned with telecommunication if you are not diligent. Be just as prepared and communicative with employees as if you were in the office, establishing “office” hours that are designated for clients and other work related matters when trying to balance family and other factors that interrupt your day while working at home.


Telecommuting is not for everyone; there are many situational and personal factors to consider before deciding to telecommute. Working in an office with other people who are working hard with a boss evaluating your performance constantly is a strong motivational factor for success and outstanding work in an on-site environment. Working from home requires strong self-discipline and self-motivation. For me, I would probably never be able to telecommute full time (self awareness is tough). I like the reinforcement of supervision and being able to have my questions answered quickly rather than waiting for my coworkers to respond to my e-mails. I also enjoy the constant hustle and bustle that comes with an office because it motivates me to “hustle” as well, plus there are tons of people to talk to. The negative to being in the office is the constraint of the “9 to 5” that can be hard for me to conform to. As a college student, I’m not used to the office lifestyle and sitting all day, a.k.a. nap time. I’m constantly moving and my day starts early and ends late, with work being done intermittently (naps) instead of for 8 or so hours straight.

As a millennial I understand how important it is for me to be aware of telecommuting and how best to incorporate it into my career. There are workers everywhere who are realizing that there is a shift into a different type of office relationship taking place and it is necessary to adapt (pajama day, maybe?). Those new to telecommuting need to ask questions to learn about how the best way to interact with your office is because telecommuting is different for everyone. For me, telecommuting is a great new option when considering jobs in my future. I know that every field is going to be different and every company has different needs. It is going to be very interesting to see how telecommuting changes in the next few years and begins to impact me as a worker so call me, don’t tweet me, if you want to reach me.